View Full Version : ACAS: Absolute or Relative

4th Jul 2008, 07:20

Should the ACAS display be set to indicate the absolute or relative altitude readout of other aircraft?

What are the pros and cons of each?

Piltdown Man
4th Jul 2008, 07:46
...because then I don't have to do any maths.


4th Jul 2008, 10:12
Is there a form of ACAS where you actually have a choice? The only type I've ever had, TCAS, has TA only, TA/RA and Off as the only avaiable settings, traffic then shown in relative terms.

Some units have the "Look Up/Down" function which shows traffic aoutside the normal window, and it was a feature I liked when i had it.

4th Jul 2008, 11:59
Some units have a FL switch which shows temporarily the absolute flightlevel of any traffic on display and some very rare units actually have the choice to permanently switch between absolute and relative. However as far as i know the default setting is relative on nearly all boxes.

For the use as an anti collision aid i would think relative is the most usefull setting, at least it is for me.

FE Hoppy
4th Jul 2008, 18:38
Most units that have abs will revert to rel after 15 seconds. On the e-jets this is true and also if you are in abs and you have a TA or RA it reverts to rel automatically. I guess that means rel is the mode of choice!