View Full Version : Type rating v Salary

23rd Jun 2008, 22:35
Once you gain a frozen ATPL and hopefully gain employment with an airline, generally I understand some will pay for a type rating which then affects your salary. Is this true or if not, how does this generally work?



23rd Jun 2008, 22:47
Usually they bond you for X amount of years and take Y amount off your salary per month.

23rd Jun 2008, 23:07
Does it actually work out much different?

If they bond you, they deduct an amount from your salary, if you get a loan, you pay the loan every month.

How much is the difference? just the loan interest?

23rd Jun 2008, 23:48
Bonding does not include salary deduction. Bonding simply forces you to stay a few years so the airline get's their money's worth out of their investment in your TR. A three year bond for £21K would simply mean that if you left after 12 months, you would have to pay the airline £14K to buy out your bond. Most bonds reduce monthly, so leaving after 17 months means you would repay 19/36s of the cost of the TR on a three year bond.

To answer the original question, most airlines that pay for Type Ratings pay a reduced salary as compared to what they would pay a pilots who already has a TR for their fleet. An example might be £28K for a BA SSP without TR or £42K for a BA DEP who is already type rated. Those are made up figures by the way, but you can look the real ones up at PPJN.com.

By the way, you won't get a choice between a bond or a loan unless you are lucky enough to have offers from two different airlines. That's pretty rare as most low hour pilots jump at the first offer they get. You'd be mad not to nowadays!