View Full Version : Vision requirments in Korea?

12th May 2008, 11:54
I am interested in getting a job in Korea, but after reviewing the Korean Aviation regs, it says that you must have UNCORRECTED vision of better than 0.1 (whatever that is) and that you cannot have glasses that are higher than +-6 diopters. This is to pass their Type 1 medical (for ATP and comm pilots). Does this apply to all pilots or do they typically waive it for expats?

14th May 2008, 14:59
don't worry, 6 dioptres is also JAA standart and 0.1 means 10% out of 100%
Many foreigners get a flag on their initial medical by various reasons but I haven't seen one beeing rejected because of his eyesight.
But they do some additional tests on your eyes like eyeball pressure, peripheral vision test, various pictures and scans of your eye.

stator vane
14th May 2008, 17:42
the only way you will know is to go there and let them decide.

i went there dec before last and a friend of mine there at the same time had a problem with the periphery vision test which no other airline he had ever been with had ever tested.

they put a patch on one eye and you put your head up against a big yellow white box with your open eye and whilst a fan appears to be blowing into that eye, you will desparately try to stay awake with said eye open and click when you see some imaginary tiny flashes of light--

one of the more difficult tests i have endured regarding vision-since i had to blink quite often due to dryness of eye and onset of travel fatique whenever sitting for more than a minute without gorgeous women to focus on. i somehow passed all their tests--with similar method of operation--when in doubt, click the button from time to time with an irregular frequency.

really, no one can tell you any specifics--if interested--give it a go--

14th May 2008, 18:58
on more thing to the periphery vision test:
a good friend of mine is eye specialist and also does examinations for initial medicals in Europe. He uses the same machine like KAL and he explained me that if the computer finds you cheating (means pressing the button when there was no light blinking) he starts all over.
So it's up to you; you can go through this test in 10 min or need up to 45 m.
That clue worked well for me.

15th May 2008, 16:36
Now that I clarified your ID It's even better.
This guy is a REAL source of info, best I can recommend in the industry.
Take care TOM hope we'll meet soon again.

19th May 2008, 22:53
I really hope they will be lenient. I guess I'm just worried becuase it says the +- 6 diopter requirement specifically in the Korean regs. But like you guys said, maybe they can give me an exemption or something on it. I didn't realize the JAA standards were similar (I'm sure Korea just copied and pasted it to their own :P).

Won't know until I try though, right? I head out for the interview in a couple days. Wish me luck fellas.