View Full Version : AS350 morphs into AS355!

6th May 2008, 08:01
I caught a glimse of a UK tv programme last night (called Flood I think) in which an AS350 G-ORMA landed on a roof top to pick up pax and after flying off, I'm sure it reappeared as an identically liveried AS355 from which the pax were winched down onto another roof top!

Or did I imagine it?

6th May 2008, 08:06
probably what you call artistic licence. Did it sound like a Jet Ranger too? I think it's pretty normal for TV shows.

Agaricus bisporus
6th May 2008, 08:14
Well, I hope the Flt Ops Inspectors weren't watching if it was a single landing on a roof to pick up pax!

Xavier Dosh
6th May 2008, 11:03
G-ORMA is an AS355

6th May 2008, 20:07
Flew G-ORMA this am over London City, very sharp ATC asked if i needed to hover over the Thames barrier................Now i know what he was talking about !!!

6th May 2008, 21:38
I understand that the programme was filmed in South Africa, I thought I saw a SA reg AS350 (ZH?) at one point over London.

6th May 2008, 23:01
Years ago while working on a heliport flight line, I noticed a fellow sticking a boomed mike with the typical puffy-cover through the perimiter fence. I walked over and asked what he was doing. He removed his earphones and said he was a freelance sound engineer and his latest gig was collecting stock helicopter noises for a movie production company.

I asked him if he knew what kinds of helicopters were coming and going, and I offered to help him identify the noise with the type. He answered: "the director doesn't care what kind of helicopter it is, he just wants the noise!"

So if you've ever watched TV and wondered how an approaching Squirrel can make a Bell rotor slap sound -- now you know the reason!:ugh:

7th May 2008, 07:11
Must say this is a bit baffling. Seems like I was mistaken, maybe from a quick glimse from a particular angle, and it was a 355 all along. But what really concerns me is that I would have understood if the evening wine had doubled the number of exhausts visible from one side, but not halved it!

I'm going to have to find a recording!

7th May 2008, 12:13
Coincidence this thread appearing when it did - saw the film 'Stormbreaker' for the first time last night - G-ORMA made an appearance in that too in a bit of a car chase.
Looked like a very sexy looking black 355 to me!