View Full Version : Jet Provost T Mk 5 FRCs

Clipped Wings
27th Apr 2008, 10:05
Can any one help me with a copy of the final edition of FRCs for the T Mk 5 JP. I am due to fly a Mk 5 on the civilian register and my present set of FRCs have inadvertently been partly ammended with those of the T Mk 5A. I have identified those pages that are in error as follows:

Card 9 should be ammendment state (AL9)

Card 17 should be ammendment state (AL 6)

If you could copy or lend me an original to the final ammendment state which (as far as I am able to determine) is:
January 1978 (AL9 July 1990)
I will incorporate the corrections in my copy and return the cards forthwith.

Many thanks

Clipped Wings (or perhaps not so clipped!!)

27th Apr 2008, 10:26
Have sent you a PM