View Full Version : Atpl Segmented Q&a Bristol Database

31st Mar 2008, 16:50
Has anyone managed to copy all the Bristol Q&As? I am happy to pay Bristol for required updates etc and use of the database proper but I am keen to read the study notes of a given chapter and then test myself on the actual questions.

I mentioned this to Bristol who replied that there is currently no-way of breaking down the subjects into smaller units. Anyone managed to do this?

31st Mar 2008, 17:01
What I do is do the whole question bank and write down all the questions I had to guess or had no idea about, then write down the question number and sort it out into categories or chapters, or what ever you want to put them. That way when you study, you know exactly what is expected, and when you done the chapter, you can quiz yourself on the chapter. Takes a bit longer at first, but at least you get to cover everything thoroughly

31st Mar 2008, 17:02
That's exactly what I want to do. Sounds like a great idea!


acuba 290
31st Mar 2008, 17:21
i will be really happy to download this QB for same price and print out. just finished mod1 notes reading and my eyes are so tired after 2 Mouth everyday reading and doing PT on PC Monitor ;) Just will be happy to have QB printed... :)

31st Mar 2008, 18:12
You can do a search for keywords within each subject e.g. within Nav, search on "Mercator" etc. Not comprehensive but it may help.



31st Mar 2008, 18:21
Thanks Whirls. I do a lot of travelling on the train and would prefer to be able to read some questions through. Quite happy to pay for the updates etc as Bristol shouldn't lose out and it is for personal study only. I'll just have to hope someone is kind enough to PM me.

All the best


31st Mar 2008, 18:36
I used to do what coodem does - a set of little pocket books in which I wrote down the questions I got wrong or didn't understand (questions in black, answers in red) and used these to revise and remember whilst away from my desk!



31st Mar 2008, 18:38
Uhmmm - that would be most of them then.........


31st Mar 2008, 18:39
this may or may not help... you can certainly print it out. It's old and some questions aren't used anymore but some most definitely are. Best of all you can print it off and read it on the train.

start where it says "pitanja"


volare...whoa whoa whoa whoa!!!

acuba 290
31st Mar 2008, 18:59
from which database those questions are? croatian CAA?

31st Mar 2008, 19:01
They're Italian.



volare...whoa whoa whoa whoa!!!
Glad I'm not the only one who does that!!!! :D

Another TD
31st Mar 2008, 19:35
Why write the question when you have a button on your keyboard that copies the screen allowing you to then paste it to a word document. Thats all I'm saying so as to mitigate any litigation,just take a look at the top right of your keyboard.

31st Mar 2008, 20:03
Because I, for one, prefer to carry a pocket (i.e. A6 sized) notebook rather than sheets of A4 paper. If I then have to cut up paper etc, then it's quicker to write.

Besides, I find that the very act of writing aids memory and therefore print screen and paste would defeat the object.



31st Mar 2008, 22:51
Why write the question when you have a button on your keyboard that copies the screen allowing you to then paste it to a word document?

Good point but it would be useful to OCR them and shrink them. I'm sure someone must have done that out there.