View Full Version : OCH in the primary sector of the final approach segment?

18th Feb 2008, 16:07
Hi guys,

Just a little bit confused on this one. I've been looking through all my books and trying to get an answer to this, however, I cannot seem to find it right now.

Am I right in thinking that in this case, the OCH is equal to the MOC plus a figure of 75m (245ish feet) with a FAF and 90m (295 feet) is there is no FAF?

Any help greatly appreciated!

18th Feb 2008, 16:57
Air law:

The MOC is the figure of 90m without FAF and 75m with FAF.

so the OCH is the height of the obstacle above threshold/airfield elevation plus the MOC as shown above.

open to correction

18th Feb 2008, 17:01
I managed to just find an exam question though, which now says that it is no less than 300 metres.

So I guess I have missed the page somewhere or other.