View Full Version : Bristol Database ATP Online - Vs - Italian V10

26th Jan 2008, 15:10
Later this year, subject to me passing my PPL, I am hoping to begin my ATPL ground-school studies. Okay, so this post is a little early but I always plan well-ahead!

I have read various commentaries on the Bristol ATP database and the V10 Italian database (whatever that is) and wondered which one is most representative of the real exam questions.

I was recently speaking to someone who has just successfully finished his ATPL exams and he commented that in his last exam only a few questions appeared from the Bristol database. Surely, there can only be so many questions that can be asked?

Because I am new to the aviation world, it all seems really interesting and I don't want to go down the 'short-cuts route' but for revision purposes, I do want to stay focused and would appreciate your views!

By the way, has anyone any experience of the Ebay ATPL question-banks? They seem a little cheap to me.

26th Jan 2008, 15:59
Excuse me whilst I reply to myself but I have another question.

Where do they get the practice questions from?

26th Jan 2008, 16:34
I think they're captured questions collected from asking people who've just sat the exam.

As for Bristol VS Italian I really don't know. I've been going by word of mouth for people saying "Bristol is good for this but Italian is better for that". Having sat Performance for instance and failed it I'm using Italian bank this time around and find it a lot more accurate for the type of question I remember getting.

But it's all just practice really.

26th Jan 2008, 16:38
Use both. Ive 10 passed and am sitting my last 4 in a few days, both have been very helpful.

Check your PM

26th Jan 2008, 16:41
Where can you get the Italian bank from and can you focus on individual subject areas for testing such as the SHEL model etc? I like to read a bit and then test my knowledge.

26th Jan 2008, 17:14

I am currently studying for Phase 2 of the ATPL exams. Most of my classmates used Bristol groundschool in preparation for Phase 1 and most will continue to use it for Phase 2.

Bristol contains feedback questions (questions that have been asked before in previous exams). Your are not allowed to right down the questions and answers in the exam but there is nothing stopping you from remembering them and then telling your instructors once you've left the exam room!

I believe it has a database of around 10000 questions. There are around 16000 questions in the CAA database but at the moment they are using around 6000, a lot of which can be found on Bristol.

It is very easy to take the short-cut route and just memorise the answers from Bristol or other feedback sources. But you are taking a risk -what if the CAA suddenly decide to use the other chunk of questions - then you're a bit ****ed arent you?! This has happened recently in my school, people have been using Bristol and when they take the papers they find they have never seen the questions before. Our school repeatedly tell us, feedback is good aid for revision, but make sure YOU KNOW YOUR SUBJECT ie read your books and have a good understanding.

In the short term its easier to just rely on feedback but when you go for your job interview you cannot simply give an answer as a,b,c, or d, you must demonstrate a sound understanding. Some people from my school have been to interviews and the feedback my school got was that they knew **** all - simply because they had used feedback and remembered the answers.

Sorry for the rant, this subject gets on my nerves sometimes because its quite annoying to see some people get over 95% in exams just by remembering answers to questions they have seen before. They have no idea why the answer is the answer - its quite worrying to think that one day they could be flying your plane...

Good luck,

PS: Have no idea what the Italian thing never heard of it before!

26th Jan 2008, 20:55
the italian thing is called volare... pprune search for volare and you'll find all you need to know.

26th Jan 2008, 20:58

I can send you a copy of the feedback. pm me if you want it.