View Full Version : How long to be called....

6th Dec 2007, 15:40
Hi, fellow pilots.
I've been called by an aviation broker to start working whit an African airline company, but this was one month ago, I would like to share your experience and to know how long time usually does it takes, from the first call to start working to the company. I cant understand it!!!, they are looking for pilots desperatly, every day they advert in the main webpages, and once your are accepted and it is supposed you will be contracted....one month whitout news.!!!

Thanks to share your experience.


chileno 777
6th Dec 2007, 16:14
The main thing that I have learned in Africa (almost 6 years living in this continent) is to have a lot of patience. Most African countries have their own pace and almost everything works slower than in the rest of the world.:) Why? Really do not know!

6th Dec 2007, 18:39
Hope you didnt pay a deposit to cover administrative costs.

7th Dec 2007, 04:55
which country were you contacted to work in, circumstances vary from country to country.Using the word Africa here does not help..:ugh:...kindly be more specific,then i bet you will get a response from some one who has had experience in that country,as regards start up period etc
Good Luck in AFRICA.:ok: