View Full Version : Chance to comment....

right chopper
14th Nov 2007, 09:51
....on planned changes to air traffic services. It looks as though RIS, RAS and FIS will be no more. More details on CAA site below:




14th Nov 2007, 11:32
Ahh but Mike, the FAS (F£ck All Service) for you will remain mate!!

When are you getting to bring that French Rocket into LCY? :)

14th Nov 2007, 15:38
The only significant difference to most folk will be that 'Deconfliction' will be available under VFR&IFR, whereas currentIy RAS is only available under IFR. I wrote the following to the CAA:

I have the following comments to make in response to your consultation document:1. 'Basic' Service:

I agree with your proposals and with the title.

2. 'Traffic' Service:

The title is too vague. It does not indicate whether pilots in receipt of such a service will be given purely information (cf. RIS), advisory headings to resolve conflict (cf. RAS) or mandatory instructions. Although pilot education will serve to reduce such confusion, it would still be inherent in the ambiguous title. Hence I recommend that this level of service should be re-titled Traffic Information Service, as that would more clearly describe the level of service. TIS should, however, be as you describe for 'Traffic' service in your document.

3. 'Deconfliction' Service:

The title is cumbersome and fails to indicate the level of service. Moreover, it will cause a deal of confusion to those pilot who currently under a RIS (or even a 'FRIS') are requested to amend their headings 'for deconfliction purposes'. To overcome these issues, I recommend that the service is re-titled Traffic Advisory Service as that would more clearly describe the level of service.
Undoubtedly the provision of TAS ('deconfliction') to pilots flying under VFR will increase controller workload, particularly when the service is provided against unknown or non-squawking traffic. Under no circumstances must the provision of such a service to VFR pilots be taken as a 'foot in the door' or trade-off for mandating the carriage of Mode S transponders outside Class A-C airspace.

14th Nov 2007, 16:29
Hey guys. I have come up with this fab round thing that is really useful for moving stuff with. I am going to call it a 'wheel'! PM me if you want more details on how this 'wheel' is going to change the world. :ok: