View Full Version : 717 - 200 fuel data needed - thanks

13th Nov 2007, 06:43
Hi ............. I am trying to contact a 717 – 200 OPS person or pilot who can give me an idea of how much fuel would be used on a 110 mile flight with 123 passengers on a 717. That’s the flight from Oahu to Kauai. I am working with a group on Kauai opposed to the Superferry. Hawaii Superferry claims that the Superferry has a lower carbon footprint per (RPM) than the 717-200 flown by Hawaiian Airlines. We say nonsense. The Superferry burns 6000 gallons of diesel to transport 500 passengers the 110 miles by sea. We estimate that 123 passengers can be flown on a 717-200 for less than 1000 gallons of jet fuel , perhaps as little as 700 gallons, but are not sure. A ball park figure would be fine. If you can help that would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to call me you can reach me at 604 266 6306 ……. And if you are interested in the overall picture of what’s at stake on Kauai please visit boycottsuperferry.org …………. Thanks, Bob :ok: