View Full Version : USAF Going Out of Business

26th Sep 2007, 08:40
This has an uncanny likeness to the recent thread about the RAF fixation on fast jets at the expense of helicopters and AT. So it's not just us with the problems. And there's the fact that Wynne also admits that the USAF needs an additional $20 billion a year over the next few years (http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?F=3060429&C=america) (which it isn't going to get).......

Air Force Going Out of Business? (http://blog.wired.com/defense/2007/09/air-force-going.html)

Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne made an appearance at a D.C. think-tank on Wednesday to do some A.F.-style scaremongering. Noting that the the average age of the service's airplanes is at 24 years and climbing (the highest ever), Wynne said that every attempt to free up cash for more new planes had failed, according to Air Force magazine:

It was Wynne’s idea, he said, to “voluntarily downsize and restructure the force, just like an industrialist would do, in order to gain the resources to recapitalize his asset base.” The reductions targeted 40,000 full-time equivalent uniformed slots.

However, “it isn’t working,” Wynne admitted.

“What does that mean to an industrialist?" he asked and answered: "It means you are going out of business. It is simply a matter of time.” All that has been accomplished, he said, is to slow down the pace at which Air Force aircraft race toward their retirement dates.

Thing is, this is all the Air Force's own damned fault (http://warisboring.com/?p=560)...........