View Full Version : Tora Toda Asda

31st Aug 2007, 13:50
Hello there,

Long time reader, never needed to post before!

I am putting together a presentation for non-aircraft people and I need to explain the relationship between TORA, TODA, ASDA, Stopway, Clearway etc etc.

I'm looking for a nice freely available diagram on the web that I can download and use, to save me attempting to either scan one or draw my own!

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Many thanks


Red Four
31st Aug 2007, 15:03
Have you looked in CAP 168 (http://www.caa.co.uk/application.aspx?catid=33&pagetype=65&appid=11&mode=detail&id=232)
Chapter 3 has some diagrams/description, maybe not the easiest to understand though!

31st Aug 2007, 15:24
Hi Red Four,

I have tried CAP 168, albeit a quick flick through!

I just want that "classic" side and plan view of the runway showing TORA, TODA, ASDA, Clearway, Stopway, Screen etc

I'll have a better look



1st Sep 2007, 11:29
Found in 1 minute on google :

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.traffico-aereo.it/pages/atct/atct03/tora_e.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.traffico-aereo.it/pages/atct/atct03/atct03_0.htm&h=316&w=580&sz=39&hl=fr&start=1&um=1&tbnid=oT0ric-d9pKwuM:&tbnh=73&tbnw=134&prev=/images%3Fq%3DTORA%2BTODA%2BASDA%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3 Dfr%26rls%3DSUNA,SUNA:2006-39,SUNA:fr%26sa%3DN

yes the link is a little bit large :}

7th Sep 2007, 19:30
Thank you for finding what I was looking for in only one minute, Sam34.

Eternally grateful.


22nd Feb 2008, 16:57
Can anyone think of a reason for an airfield having an ASDA longer than a TODA? Seems to me like any surface fit to be a Stopway should be able to serve as a Clearway as well but apparantly not.



22nd Feb 2008, 18:58
Can anyone think of a reason for an airfield having an ASDA longer than a TODA? Seems to me like any surface fit to be a Stopway should be able to serve as a Clearway as well but apparantly not.



Good question,

Doesn't the Clearway have to be wider than the Stopway/Runway, or maybe you could have a stopway that's longer than 50% of TORA hence restricting the TODA.

Just off the top of my head as I'm doing my ATPL Phase 2 exams the week after next. If I come across something while I'm studying I'll let you know.


22nd Feb 2008, 19:41
We have a Clearway of 60m and a Stopway of nearly 400m. Cannot see anything so stop the Stopway being used as a Clearway so I was just confused.

16th May 2008, 03:08
Looking at the detailed performance charts for Boeing airliners on their web-site http://www.boeing.com/commercial/airports/plan_manuals.html, do you use TORA or TODA to calculate the payload/range from any given runway?

16th May 2008, 06:39
dont no about the first 2, but i have shopt at asda

16th May 2008, 08:31
You have to determine what is the limiting factor of TOR Required against TOR Available, TODR against TODA and ASDR against ASDA.
These factors must be considered for all engines operating and compared with the requirements for the loss of one engine at the most critical point.
Also requirements change for a wet runway (screen height 15ft versus 35ft on dry).
Typically a 4 eng a/c will be limited by the all engines operating case as opposed to the 1 engine inop case.
If you p.m me I could send you further info.

16th May 2008, 09:14
Thanks 4PON4PIN. I've PM'd you.