View Full Version : flight through central and south america

24th Aug 2007, 02:23
I would like to purchase a single engine aircraft and fly from the US down through central and south america. Wondering if anyone has done this and has any advise.


Panama Jack
24th Aug 2007, 22:18
I suggest you join AOPA and get up-to-date advice from their trip experts. It is done all the time, and unless you happen to go down in the middle of the Amazon, nothing too scary really. Just takes some planning ahead, especially when it comes to overflight and/or landing permission in different countries. Fuel stops have to be planned ahead of time, and be sure to be ready to pay cash (US Dollars) for all your services including fuel. Be patient & have a sense of humor. If you feel that you are being run down for bribes, ask for an official receipt of any "fees" by saying something to the nature of "necesito un recibo oficial."

Have fun if you do it-- it is something I dreamed of doing at one point but never got the opportunity to do it (well, you know, yet).

25th Aug 2007, 02:48
Panama Jack,

Thanks for the reply. Trip is still a ways off, but wanted to be sure it is feasible.
