View Full Version : Post Line Training

20th Aug 2007, 09:23
Hi Ladies and Gents,

I have had a few requests from PPRUNERS through the private messaging service to give some details of post line training, in response to my post in April regarding my first line flight.

Well, it has been nearly 3 months since I did my final line check, and it is all now becoming a little more second nature, even though there is still a lot to learn. After completeing my final line check I think my words to the captain, were 'are you sure you are going to let me loose with regular line captains' ? It felt that I had only just finished my PPL.

The last few months have been absolutely fantastic. Going to work every day has been an absolute pleasure, even when we are delayed :-). Sitting there up the front sipping tea waiting for a call from clearance delivery for engine start surely beats working for a living .

The summer, if we can call it that, with the recent weather patterns has been great. As well as the scheduled services we have had to oppotunity to get involved with charter flying which has added a bit of variety. Flying on down to Rhodes and places alike has been great fun, especially when the captain says 'come on take the automatics out and fly it like a cessna'. Some of the views we have had from the cockpit have been quite something. Totally clear flying around the greek islands has been breath taking, not to mention flying over the UK at night. I had my first experience of flying back into Manchester at midnight, with a completely clear night over London, where you could see for 150 miles, the view was incrediable. Once again, all the hardwork slogging your way through the ATPL's certainly becomes worth it. Why did I have to remember that a piezto crystal dither motor prevents laser lock? It was for this view I am having right now .

As well as airline flying, I have been keeping my hand in with flying light aircraft. I really have missed full time instructing, which is why I have made a point of teaching at least twice a month. I have even found myself on days off, wanting to blast a C152 around the circuit for 30 minutes. So on week days with my girlfriend at work, off I went for some crash and goes .

As the 6 month point approaches I must admit in the back of my mind is the first proficiency check. I can only hope that I am not picking up my P45 at the end of it. I am sure all pilots go through this, or I hope I am not the only the one!

Anyway, I hope that satisfies what fellow PPRUNERS have requested. Again, for all those guys who are passionate about aviation and are striving towards the job of an airline pilot, whether you be training or finished and waiting to get your first job, its all worth it believe me. Every time I open up the taps at LHR for that flexiable thrust take off, I have to pinch myself.

All the best guy/gals.

Callsign Kilo
20th Aug 2007, 10:05
Excellent stuff CAT3C. Some very inspiring reading.

Best of luck to you and happy landings! :ok:

average bloke
20th Aug 2007, 10:30
Too much time off again Shiny? Thanks for the reminder about pietzo crystal dither motors. I can sleep easy again now :ok:

Gingerbread Man
20th Aug 2007, 10:48
Nice to see a post that isn't about the woes of airline flying, thanks! :ok:

20th Aug 2007, 18:25
No problem chaps.

Average Bloke, I have you know I have just finished 6 days on! When are yourself and low voltage going to be available? Need to tie up on these rosters.


21st Aug 2007, 10:17

21st Aug 2007, 20:15
Bobster, it is exactly like that when you get on line :).

21st Aug 2007, 20:41
So....what's the pension like?!

21st Aug 2007, 23:09
RRRRRRRRRR.......Rotax G1,

I was wondering then you were going to raise your ugly swede. You can tell me all about it when you know, along with the working conditions, salary, days off and cark park allocations. Not to mention the golden hand shake at the end of your career.

See you soon, you clown :ok:

22nd Aug 2007, 00:52
CAT3, haven't seen you in the crewroom yet, halfway through line training myself. I concur with those flex take offs.

22nd Aug 2007, 09:09
"golden hand shake at the end of your career" you hadn't mentioned that before..... it gets better!

Don't worry about the OPC, not a problem for a man of your calibre.... and just remember, if it all goes wrong you can always make Sh!t loads from computers!

22nd Aug 2007, 15:30
Or you can drive those cabs again dude!

The Cav:cool:

23rd Aug 2007, 07:38
Your all starting to come out the wood work now :) .

Cav, yes I can harrass Cav drivers on the Mike 25 when they are on their way to work ;).