View Full Version : Money matters

23rd Jul 2007, 15:10
Hello everyone,

Ok a few concerns, I hope its ok to post on this forum.

Right Im currently PPL and have my 'old man' coming to see me next weekend to discuss the options of him securing finances for me to complete my fATPL the modular way.

Whilst this is not an issue as I know how much, roughly, I need and what I need to do my concerns stem from my own financial background. I know that I have one or two CCJ's as a result of studying Aerospace Engineering for 2.5 years and struggling to make ends meet. How will this affect my employability? Its because of the above reason that I am asking my Dad to help me which Im sure he will to some extent, whether its only half or all of the amount I should find out next weekend.

Ive had a couple of interviews recently and another next week in the industry with half decent salaries(which Ive never had before!) and this will clearly make things alot easier when borrowing in the region of 35k. Could I fail at securing a position for one of these companies because of my bad credit?

Any help or advice is much appreciated,


23rd Jul 2007, 15:46
No idea, just that a letter I recieved mentioned that having these 'problems' would affect my ability to not only obtain further credit but affect my ability to gain employment if the potential employers wish to find out my credit history.

23rd Jul 2007, 16:30
No idea, just that a letter I recieved mentioned that having these 'problems' would affect my ability to not only obtain further credit but affect my ability to gain employment if the potential employers wish to find out my credit history.
Restricts you from working in the financial services industry in some functions.

23rd Jul 2007, 17:21
I think bad credit prevents you from being in the Police too. (perhaps risky for taking backhanders? lol!)