View Full Version : Factorised Hours

12th Jul 2007, 19:44
Can anyone explain this term,
Was just browsing through jet 2's jobs section and noticed it.

1.25 hours on type with company
0.8 hours on ME prop
0.4 hours 0n SE prop

All new to me.


12th Jul 2007, 20:22
Hi there,

I could mean one of two things or both...Firstly factors applied to your hours when joining the company or factors applied to the company when appying/selected for a command.

Basically you multiply your hours that you have in each each section by these factors to work out what the airline will view them as. EG

SE Prop 0.8 - If you have 1000 hours SE prop then the airline woul view this as 800 hrs when looking at you for recruitment/command hours.

L Met

Ropey Pilot
13th Jul 2007, 12:25
Just a simple way of separating candiates by experience - 2 people with 1000 hours each; one got all his hours in a cessna 152, the other has 1000 on a 737. Advantage is that those with lots of hours but no commercial experience don't get binned at the very first hurdle when looking at 'jet hours' for example.
Means when trawling through CVs just looking at a single number gets you through to the next 'filter' - if you are looking at several thousand applications don't kid yourself that the first cut is done with any sort of deliberation - that Duke of Edinburgh's Gold award will come later;) If you only have time on light props this may well work to your advantage even though it doesn't appear to at first glance!:ok: