View Full Version : Interview at AirBerlin

8th Jul 2007, 08:32
Hello everyone!

Does anyone have some information about the final interview at AirBerlin? I passed the Assessment center and the last step of the recruitment process will take place end of july.

Every kind of information is appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

8th Jul 2007, 22:28
Did my interview in may. Started with a presentation of the company lasting about 1 hour. After that the interview which was very straight forward. Friendly people and only questions about why Air Berlin, when can you start. Was told also to prepare for tech questions about the bus because I have a rating on it and personal questions but never got any of these. Only lasted 5 mins and got a handshake and a contract straight away. Dont worry:)

9th Jul 2007, 09:56
Just to confirm, you need to speak german, isn't it ?

9th Jul 2007, 10:37
I talked with an AirBelin Capt. a couple of weeks ago...
unfortunately they still require to speak German

9th Jul 2007, 14:42
No idea about non EU citizens. And yes, german is required at a reasonable level:}

9th Jul 2007, 16:41

Thanks for your answers, you helped me a lot!:ok:

Best regards!

11th Jul 2007, 12:45
does anybody know if the interview as described by Pstatic is similar to people with no bus or 73 rating?
Mine is next week and any info would be much appreciated.
Thanks guys

11th Jul 2007, 14:17
If you have no rating I have the feeling they might ask you about general aviation stuff. We were four at my interview and I was the only one with a rating. Seems like it was pretty relaxed questions about previous experience and such. No horror questions. :)

11th Jul 2007, 14:39
thanks for the info... so how many of you four got a contract with AB? did they ask you which homebase you prefer and about a "dream base" which might be installed in the future?

11th Jul 2007, 15:28
All four of us got contracts. You get a first and a second priority for basing. If you get a supervision base (linetraining) which is different than your permanent base you will recieve hotel accomodation during supervision. If you are not happy with your permanent base I believe you can switch after 6 months!
The other three without a rating all had various jet and TP experience!