View Full Version : WW II GIs Guide to Iraq

13th Jun 2007, 23:32
The Spectator: (http://www.spectator.co.uk/coffeehouse/) A guide to Iraq for US GIs

A few years ago, bookshops started selling the hand book that American GIs were given before coming to Britain during World War Two. With hindsight, it made for amusing reading—it was interesting to see how many of the respective stereotypes had stood the test of time. Well, this is the equivalent guide to Iraq (http://digitallibrary.smu.edu/cul/gir/ww2/pdf/w0025.pdf).

It makes for fascinating reading and gives you an idea of how much more difficult what we’re trying to do in Iraq now is than what we did there sixty-odd years ago. I heavily recommend giving it a read. The stuff on the national character of the Iraqis is particularly interesting......

14th Jun 2007, 10:20
Is this genuine?

I've got as far as p4, and noticed reference to "the First World War". Would the participants in WWII be aware that they were fighting a World War, and have named it so? Surely you can only have a "first" if you have a "second", otherwise you've got an "only" (if that makes sense?).

If you were writing after-the-event, when it was clear you had 2 World Wars, you would use the phrases first and second. If the book was written during WWII, wouldn't the war of 14-18 be refered to as "The Great War"?

Of should I go and have a cup of tea and try not to think so hard?


14th Jun 2007, 11:16
Surely you can only have a "first" if you have a "second", otherwise you've got an "only" (if that makes sense?). :p:p

Good thinking! But I think it's genuine. By the time GIs went to Eyerack the war would certainly qualify to be called a 'World War'. So you did have a First and Second .....then.

15th Jun 2007, 09:23
Recently at the SERE school when they handed round a copy. Has info on terrain, climate and Arab culture. Important when the intended consumers have no culture.
Funnily it had nothing in there about locals getting upset if you raze their village to the ground. Must be planned for the reprint.


15th Jun 2007, 10:06
My GruppenFuhrer recently brought in a tatty little soft-back entitled "Mesopot". Essentially, it was a guide for the British Officer due to operational in Mesopotamia in such delightful places as Bahrah.

It was fascinating, similar to the US book, but a little more direct with information on marsh arabs ("never to be trusted":oh:), some photos, kit guides and a suggested daily routine.

My personal favourite is the kit lists, everything from razors to booze. If you're a drinker you take whisky, gin and lime juice, if you are teetotal you just take whisky cos apparently a tot in the evenings is good for your health. The adverts for kit are amazing, all sorts of places in Bombay and around India who will supply clothing and general camping kit. I am sure it was very useful in its time.