View Full Version : Keeping Existing Business

23rd May 2007, 13:38
Hello all

I will be completing my integrated training course in the next few months and I am starting to think about my future employment. My training was funded by my business (I am/was self employed) and I really do need to keep this running for a few years to recoup some of the costs and cover the income shortfall that I am expecting initially. I have just about managed to operate my business whilst I have been training albeit on a fairly low key basis at nights and over weekends.
Obviously my employment history will be discussed at interview and I am not sure whether or not to disclose that I intend to keep the business running if possible. Clearly I do not know who I will be working for yet but I am hoping that I could get in to a charter airline which might allow me time during the quieter months to trade but it is difficult to make plans at the moment. Does anybody have experience of running a seperate business or have any ideas about how potential employers might view this. The business is investment management by the way, nothing too difficult!
I can't really ask my school as they weren't aware that I have continued trading which I accept may have ben foolish on my part.

23rd May 2007, 14:49
I'm not really an expert on the aviation industry but from what i can gather its gonna be danm hard for you to get the first aviation job and letting any employer know that all your eggs aren't gonna be in there basket is probably not the best approach. They are going to be making a considerable investment in you and will be looking for 100% commitment. By all means keep the business running but if i were in your shoes i'd keep it to myself until my butt groove was firmly imprinted in the right hand seat.


24th May 2007, 16:39
I ran a business while flying for an airline. I know several other people who do so. I know none who did it when they were training, however. I suspect anyone who tries it is mad or an insomniac - or both!

The time pressures caused by being away flying and then trying to run my business cost me my marriage - as well as every other interest I had. I would strongly recommend that you put your business in a manager's hands, or sell it. Knowing what I do about those pressures, I would be very, very reluctant to employ anyone who was subjecting themselves (knowingly or otherwise) to that kind of stress.
