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Can't Hover
23rd Apr 2007, 18:06
I have just received my pay statement for this month and found the disturbance allowance I was expecting has been slashed from the £1600 ish quid I was expecting to £1116. Apparently this is to bring the allowance for Privately Owned accom into line for that of SFA as it costs the same to move into both apparently.

I can't find any mention of this in the AFPRB report does anyone out there know from whence this change has stemmed?

I'm really peeved about it as it obviously costs more to move into privately owned accom...the cost of curtains (which are provided in SFA) is just one area of greater expense!

23rd Apr 2007, 18:21
DISTURBANCE ALLOWANCE (DA) RATES (http://www.army.mod.uk/servingsoldier/condofserv/mm/allowances_current_rates_for_army_personnel.htm)

Privately Owned £1650 £1116
Privately Rented £969 £990
SFA/SSFA £969 £990
SLA/SSLA £75 £85
Child Element (for each eligible child) £130 £133

Can't Hover
23rd Apr 2007, 18:25
Roger that, i see the rates, but why the reduction in the allowance and on what grounds?

Also to whom do I complain about this and the farce that is JPA. Really hacked off with never getting paid the correct amount. Do i have the right to complain to the Air Member for Personnel and if so how should i go about it?

Further to that; I think I was eligable to claim the allowance up to 30 days before the move...ie while it was still at a higher rate... I feel somewhat aggrieved that on not one of the many occasions when i sought advice about eligibility etc was i warned abot this forthcoming reduction. Fair? Or is it simply that our current allowances system is so complicated and prone to such frequent change that those employed as experts are unable to keep up. That being the case how are those non experts to whom much of the responsibility has been delegated supposed to cope!

The Swinging Monkey
23rd Apr 2007, 18:37
Can't Hover

Its dead easy mate, and this is what you do.......
Put in a redress of AMP himself and put it through the normal channels on station, Cf Clerk, OC PSF, blah
The first thing that will happen is that you will be summoned to handbrake house for a one-to-one meeting, probably with OC Admin to discuss your points. No worries there. Just tell him or her of your grievance and that you and Mrs Can't Hover are thoroughly sick and fed up of being pi$$ed about by JPA, and that you wish to redress the 'head man' ie AMP.
I guarantee you that things will get done, and in a very short space of time.
The last thing OCA wants is a redress of any kind on his books, let alone one against AMP!
Just do it. Don't be scared or worry about what might happen, because it will show the blunties that you are not afraid to use your redress option when you are forced to.
Good luck and be prepared for a bit of a bollocking, but don't give up or withdraw the redress until you get what you want. You will be told that 'if you withdraw your redress' it will get sorted. Just tell them that you will withdraw it, when the problem is redressed and NOT before. The same goes for the rest of you out there who are sick of being screwed by the system. Exercise your rights boys and girls.
Kind regards

Can't Hover
23rd Apr 2007, 19:00
Cheers Monkey, now if anyone has any ideas which stop short of professional suicide I'd be glad to hear them too!

The Swinging Monkey
23rd Apr 2007, 19:46
Can't Hover
I can't believe you!
What is your problem?
How is exercising your legitimate rights 'professional suicide'?
If you can't be bothered to stand up and make a stand for yourself and your family, then it is pointless asking for help. What are you going to do? carry on bleating to everyone in the crewroom about how hard done by you are? What do you think they will do, have a whip round for you?
Get real man and have the courage to do something other than whinging on about it.

Can't Hover
23rd Apr 2007, 20:17
It's not a lack of courage that prevents me from launching into a campaign of Redress, but a lack of knowledge;

Can they change allowance rates willy nilly?
What consultation must they go through before changing them, and was this done in this case?
What period of notice must they provide before changing the allowances and did they give such notice?
What routes are available for me to complain about/attempt to rectify my greivance?I'm not prepared to set forth on an ill thought out course of action and attempt to redress everyone in sight; such a move would be unwise. I posted not to whinge, but to see if anyone else had noticed this reduction in allowances and had more knowledge of the afore-mentioned points than I.

If you are telling me, on the basis of sound professional knowledge, that my first port of call is to redress the AMP, in the very first instance, and through further research I find this to be the case then I thank you very much for pointing me in that direction. If however what you are suggesting is the final last gasp, if all else fails option then I shall explore other avenues first.

Further advice appreciated. Many thanks.

23rd Apr 2007, 20:25

Stop posting like a whining girl, just a thought :rolleyes:

23rd Apr 2007, 20:26
07.0102. Scope. DA applies equally for moves within the UK, between the UK and overseas, or for moves between overseas stations. Expenditure associated with moving from one residence to another varies from move to move. The allowable expenses (see Annex A to this Section) that underpin the DA rates are kept under review to ensure the rates cover the expenses necessarily incurred in the majority of the UK and overseas moves. Some personnel will find that the expenses they incurred in connection with a particular move will be higher than the allowance paid, while for other moves they will be lower. Over the course of their career, therefore, DA will have made a significant contribution.

23rd Apr 2007, 20:29
Can't hover - maybe your first point of call could be your Sqn Admin clerk or Adj? If they can't help you maybe they'll be able to point you in the direction of someone who can. Or you could try your Chief Clerk. Don't waste your time calling the JPA helpline though - chocolate fireguards spring to mind...

The Gorilla
23rd Apr 2007, 21:17
To put in a redress of complaint over an allowance that has been reduced for EVERYONE in private accom or SFA would indeed be professional suicide.

I wouldn't advise it, save it for when you might need it most.

23rd Apr 2007, 21:48
Yes, allowance rates can, and do, change.

Yes, this one was notified in advance, originally through issue of a DIN.

This change is just one of a package of allowance restructuring introduced to coincide with the move towards common tri-service pay/allowances.

Yes, you have lost out, in order to free up money to improve DA and other allowances elsewhere.

No, you don't have a hope with a redress of complaint.

In the great scheme of things, occupying your own private accommodation is your own choice. Why should you expect to be paid a higher rate of DA than anyone else?

Sorry not to be more encouraging.



Two's in
24th Apr 2007, 00:53

Good score on moving more than one Chess piece at a time. Submitting a redress does get you on the radar, so you had better be damn sure it's the only time you want to do it. Looked at objectively, redressing a published RAF procedure that you are personally unhappy with, is not the stuff that hats off conversations with Senior Officers are made of. It might not be professional suicide, but it is definitely a sledge hammer to crack a nut and will be duly noted. Start the Chinese water torture with OCA, and don't let up until you get an official response - even if you don't like it. In the big (career) picture, 484 quid is not worth getting "Balck Spotted' over, and don't use this as a reason to ride in on your dissatisfaction with JPA - if you start dripping about JPA you will then just be one of thousands who feel the same way, again, not redress material.

"Forgive your enemies, but always remember their names"

24th Apr 2007, 18:10
Move into an SFA - gain £21 (+£3 for rug rat - novel being paid for kids!!) and rent out your house so cheaper mortgage (rebated by tenants any way)
Problem solved.:)

24th Apr 2007, 19:38
You're ALL disturbed - have an aloowance of 6 pence!