View Full Version : help--windshear

17th Mar 2007, 10:29
Anybody Has Information About Windshear At High Altitude(such As Fl300above)? How They Generated? How Powerful They Are? Etc... Thanks!

18th Mar 2007, 00:08
Most often such wind shear is associated with the jet stream, and results from the significant change in wind velocity near the core of the jet stream. This can happen up to FL410 or above.

Our forecasts for flights over the Northern Pacific Ocean often have significant wind shears shown. Sometimes you can avoid the worst by changing altitude away from the predicted core altitude; other times you just have to ride out the [usually moderate] turbulence.

18th Mar 2007, 06:41
THANK YOU VERY MUCH! COULD YOU UPLINK A forecasts over the Northern Pacific Ocean WITH significant wind shears shown PLEASE?

18th Mar 2007, 18:31
Sorry. I can't forward the company data. You might check on some aviation weather sites.

19th Mar 2007, 10:54
Why not try this link, and select ICAO Area M (which is the North Pacific):


19th Mar 2007, 13:52
Thank You Very Much!