View Full Version : Impresive

9th Mar 2007, 14:22
Looking at thread 3 min ago and heard 'whop-whop-whop' noises, loud and getting louder.

Dash out to sight of Mighty Wokka doing circuit of village (as Madsmum says, 'leaning over at 45 degrees'), not very high but VERY impressive. Probably caused chaos on the motorway.

Hoping he might come back, got camera out in case.

()N.B. This is not to be treated as a complaint - unless he dosen't come back for another pass).

9th Mar 2007, 21:47

I hope you meant 1450!


10th Mar 2007, 06:07
Had something similar happen on Thursday afternoon while walking the mut on the beach. There I was with Mrs old and the ginger hairball on the golden sands when out of nowhere a C130K flies overhead at LL and pops it on the sand!!

:D Which squadron would that be from?

10th Mar 2007, 10:06
They killed yer dog?:uhoh:

10th Mar 2007, 10:34
Hmmm, a C130 landing on sand...
I wonder what theatre/environment they might be getting that tick for, and hope that no-one wants to tick the publicity box.
Not that it's terribly difficult to guess where it hailed from!

Green Flash
10th Mar 2007, 10:45
Not the only place where you can land on the sand! (http://www.hial.co.uk/barra-airport.html)

10th Mar 2007, 20:07
Mads Dad,
Your village wouldn't happen to be adjacent to the M5 would it??

If so, PM me!

29th Jan 2008, 08:53
And just had another Chinook (5 minutes ago), orbiting right over my house (a Chinook doing a low-level pass over the garden is impressive first time. Then he came back. And again). :ok:

I think that woke the village up.

And you're welcome any time (I would have invited them in for tea but my garden isn't big enough).

29th Jan 2008, 10:27
I do remember some years ago being on a steam train going up the severn valley railway and a Chinook flying past below the train in the valley with the crew waving out the door at the kids on the train.

My son was mighty impressed and so was I

It's Not Working
29th Jan 2008, 10:41
My village is next to the M5 (Defford). I'm at home all day Friday so would welcome a couple of LL circuits. Mind Croft Farm however, the microlights might not like it. Thanks in advance.

Solid Rust Twotter
29th Jan 2008, 10:49
Reckon this produced better PR than a converted warehouse full of long haired stoned trendoids lounging around on sofas waving glossy pamphlets.:}

Keep up the good work...:ok:

29th Jan 2008, 12:31
Was wokka'd earlier in the day today by the mighty eggbeater flying right over top of my humble factory, I'd have thrown em free crisps (lots) if they came round for another pass or gave us a free trip :ok::ok:

29th Jan 2008, 14:12
Sitting here in my office in Okehampton I can see the edge of Dartmoor and the Wokka boys can beat us up any time! They were around this morning but sounded like a medium level transit.
Next time you have to visit Oke Camp come in via the industrial estate on the east side of the town!:ok: (We do have a large car park next to our large blue building - feel free to use it)