View Full Version : Helicopter Pilot during European Ski Season

1st Mar 2007, 10:04
Can someone tell me if there are any companies that recruit chopper pilots for the ski season in Europe?
Initially I am looking for names of the companies or where I can find the names of the companies and from there I will provide all my details of licenses
If anyone has any ideas it would be great

1st Mar 2007, 10:23
Seem to me in the last months there was only a limited ski saison :) :bored:

Which countries do you want? Europe is great...

1st Mar 2007, 11:41
Extensive mountain experience or mainland European (ie French, German, Austrian, Swiss or Italian) military experience would probably be the initial requirement.

Licence-wise, a JAA CPL(H) with sufficient turbine time (probably including lots of twin time or AS350/Lama time) would probably suffice.

Oh, and fluency in the local language (French, German or Italian, or ideally all 3) will probably be needed.

If you've got all of that, here might be as good as place as any to look:

Mont Blanc Helicopters (http://www.mbh.fr/helicopter/mont-blanc.htm)

Us 'lowlanders' (ie UK, Irish or Dutch) probably won't get a look in.

Best of luck,
