View Full Version : UNIX command for line buffer

Rans Flyer
26th Feb 2007, 12:47
Does anyone know the UNIX command to remember the last commands typed.
I know the BASH shell does this but I'm trying to remember this command.
I think it done with KSH, and it something -i vi
I'm a bit rusty on Unix.


26th Feb 2007, 13:00
Not sure if this is what you're after :

typing "history" gives you a list of the last commands.

To get a historical command to rerun use the exclamation mark - eg :

unix%: history

1001 vi render.php
1002 vi add_item.php
1003 vi render.php
1004 vi edit_blog_item.php
1005 vi edit_page.php
1006 vi edit_blog.php
1007 history

unix%: !h

...will run the history command again - the last one beginning with h.


unix%: !1003

will run item 1003 (vi render.php) from the list

Rans Flyer
26th Feb 2007, 13:10
Thank you Sir!

It was the history command and the "[CTRL] P" I was after.



26th Feb 2007, 15:04
On some version of the ksh if you type:
set -o vi

this will enable you to use command completion.
Also type ESC k to get last commands

For command completion type a part of the command and hit ESC ESC
if the command has been type before it will attempt to complete the rest of the line for you.