View Full Version : Aegean Airlines and Olympic Uniforms!

20th Feb 2007, 14:19
Hey everyone!

This is a really random question but does anybody know what the uniform is for Aegean Airlines (Greece) and Olympic Airlines cabin crew?
I ask because I have read a lot of Skytrax reviews that say how awfull Olympics uniforms are and how lovely Aegeans are!

If anybody has a picture it would be fab!
I cant find a pic or description of their current uniforms anywhere!

Thanks a million!:)

21st Feb 2007, 05:48
Hi not sure if this is their uniform or not but they have a pic on the cover of the inflight magazine:


If so, I like the red hat box/case!!

And here on Olympic home page two (very small pics) that may or may not be current uniform... =)

Also if you got to this page http://www.uniformfreak.com/index2a.html and click on 'Olympic Airways' there is a pic of a uniform from 1990's

Hope this helps!

21st Feb 2007, 09:25
Hey Skysista!

Thanks a million! at least now I know what olympics uniform from the 90's is like! And judging by some comments ive heard about their current one, its really not too different! ;)

P.S: If that is Aegean's uniform, sign me up for an aplication!!!!! :D
(love the red case and hat! very 60's!)

21st Feb 2007, 12:58
I can't remember exactly what the Aegean uniform looks like but it isn't like the one in the picture!! From what I can remember it was a navy suit with a white shirt and quite a distinctive hat. I used to see them all the time in HER when i got off for a sneaky fag but my memory is terrible, sorry!

21st Feb 2007, 13:58
http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.aegeanair.com/ftp_images/news_images/THV_PLANE.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.aegeanair.com/aegeangr/news/news1.asp%3Fnews_id%3D125&h=283&w=426&sz=29&hl=en&start=9&tbnid=_j99mb78kFyuBM:&tbnh=84&tbnw=126&prev=/images%3Fq%3Daegean%2Bairlines%2B%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26s a%3DN
Not sure about that hat though, those nightflights do funny things to your imagination!!!

Smell the Coffee
21st Feb 2007, 15:00
Anyone who has flown OA recently will tell you there is no uniform so to speak...it's a free for all, bring your own, do it yourself. (Name badges & smiles are optional).
They make BA crew look like Singapore Girls :}

21st Feb 2007, 16:59
Hey again!

Thanks to all of you for your help! I really like Aegean Airlines' uniforms (very stylish and elegant!):D but I think its a real pity that Olympic Airlines dont supply their cabin crew with nice new uniforms! (Particularly as Greek people are known for their stylishness and great fashion sense:) )
After all, I cant imagine that having no proper uniform is doing the company image any good! (and lets face it! it wasnt that great to begin with!)

Ah well maybe we will see Olympic crew in a nice new uniform sometime in the future (fingers crossed!);)

Have you heard this!
16th Dec 2007, 10:10
The picture on the inflight magazine is NOT the Aegean uniform.