View Full Version : Windows Server Hosting

19th Feb 2007, 11:25
Hey All...

I have a need for some cheap server hosting to complete a project i am working on.

I have Windows Server 2003 Web Edition, fully legal and have it installed on a PC that i use to simulate a web-server. My issues are that our unis firewall is so sensative it wont let any "outsiders" access it.

So any ideas where i can get some reasonable priced dedicated hosting where i can use my own KEY or any one out there fancy splitting some hosting costs?

I have been looking at UK2.net and EV1 Servers.

19th Feb 2007, 11:48
I guess it depends on how much money you want to spend and how important the project is.

If you have always on" broadband and a decent router you can set up all sorts of servers on your home system. You need to mess with the router to open the firewall and forward that port, and probably easier to set up a dynamic DNS system so you can find it. Only problems might be the ISP blocking ports and the upload speed is going to be limited. Naturally you will need to protect your network but that is easy enough to do too.

Then there is windows shared hosting which with IIS on 2003 is pretty secure now.

Lots of other ways to do it apart from dedicated hosting, which is a lot more money.

19th Feb 2007, 12:25
PC, I've used UK2 for quite a few years now. They are very reliable and not too pricey.
