View Full Version : (P)FL at Denham today?

7th Feb 2007, 16:20
Sauntering back 'round the M25 after my sim I noticed a red-tailed Cessna (152?) sitting forlornly in a field of rape on the WRONG side of the M25 to Denham. It was accompanied by a black R44.

Anyone know what was up?

A nosey-parker.

Practice Auto 3,2,1
7th Feb 2007, 17:08
As you say in the title, there was no practice about it. ;)

Perfect FL after an engine failure. Apparently no damage to aircraft or persons. R44 was there to pick up the crew and give them a lift back to Denham.

London Mil
7th Feb 2007, 17:49
Aircraft flown out later on and now back on the line.

8th Feb 2007, 12:20
Yes - as a crazy glider pilot myself, it looked like a nice job :)

Fuel? Carb ice? Other?

8th Feb 2007, 13:37
Any idea who owned the aircraft?

Will Hung
9th Feb 2007, 06:53
Red tailed 152. Sounds like a Pilot Centre a/c to me, so I'm bound to have flown her ! Well done whoever !!