View Full Version : Anyone else transferred onto PAS early??

No Vote Joe
21st Jan 2007, 15:29
Just found out that I've been transferred onto PAS early. This is at my 40th birthday and not my 22 yr point as I had been informed on acceptance.
This benefits me, but I've been told that it disadvantages many ALM's who were 40 before the upbanding in Oct, and have lost out on 2 or 3 PAS levels (low band vs high band), despite being paid the pay rise in Oct and Nov.
Anyone got any gen on this??

21st Jan 2007, 16:14
have a look at the new terms of service mate, think, but don't quote me, the revised terms means that the PAS and pention term is now at 20 years not 22caused some confusion with people last year who thought they fell in to the bracket early and was donw to the 20 year qualifying term. As for the whole entry level and pay scales the whol;e thing is a bit of a joke with FS being paid more that Masters!!!! irrelevent of job spec, qual, role etc etc

Thats my whinge for this thread