View Full Version : Impending altitude sickness

fat albert
9th Dec 2006, 08:15
Well, it's an aviation-ish title....

Folks, some of you may know the individual involved with this:

Given that reaching his next pie in the kitchen unaided is often a serious challenge, this will be a fairly major effort for him :ok:

double albert
10th Dec 2006, 09:40
Would this be Sticky in sport shocker?

Have the porters been booked to carry his sedan chair?


10th Dec 2006, 10:32
I warned him back in 1991 about the perils of committing sport.....

But he never did listen much to his QFI!

OK, OK - I know. Nor did anyone else!

Seriously, good luck, Stoppers - have added something to your sponsorship!

10th Dec 2006, 18:50
Not porters old chap, 4 copilots should do the trick.
Not sure who's going to be carrying the mess cutlery and crockery though....

If no copilots are forthcoming there are other plans.....


12th Dec 2006, 06:50
So it looks as though you'll be taking Dave 'Buthelezi' with you then, eh Stoppers?

12th Dec 2006, 21:49
Take care old fruit..... you ginger types tend to get awfully burned in the sun.
Do you have a parasol carrier squared away? I hear ABIW would be glad to do that, I hear he's truly great at bag carrying, maybe he should branch out a little?

1st Jan 2007, 14:54
Ladies and gents, thanks to all of you who've donated through the justgiving site and elsewhere - I really appreciate it! I'd hoped to email you all individually but I'm having difficulty accessing the justgiving site out here in theatre to get at the email addresses. I'm back in a couple of weeks so will email you all then!

For those who haven't seen this yet, please take a look at my justgiving page at www.justgiving.com/simonhickey (that's my cover blown then - :oh: ) and then perhaps take pity on a poor fat bloke who spent New Year's Eve, sober, in an American gym sweating himself to death....

Oh the shame of it all...... :O

Happy New Year!!