View Full Version : Where would you go ...

4th Dec 2006, 13:08
As I get older.... no forget that.
Since I am still not old and bold enough to give up dreaming, I would like to add some more ratings to my ticket.
I hold CPL / CFI rotorcraft and PPL SEL FAA.
I would like to spend some good time away from home together with my family (wife and two little girls - the cat stays at home). During this time I would like to do a few things.
The CPL of the country where we will go.
IFR, if possible for helicopters and plank.
Not all of them but as much as possible.
It should be somewhere with mountains and/or a lot of water for windsurfing.
Enough other things to do that the family does not get bored (and dad can hang around the airport without feeling guilty).
Where would you go?

4th Dec 2006, 14:03
new zealand/south africa/australia?

4th Dec 2006, 14:09
Could you be a bit more specific? I actually had the intention to stay on this planet , because you never know if E.T. has a clue about helicopters.
Where in NZ, OZ or SA would it be nice to go?

4th Dec 2006, 14:10
sorry, cant be more specific. they are just the countries that spring to mind when you say you want mountains, surf, and scenic flying.

4th Dec 2006, 14:23
Half your luck Rotorbee to have the time and family situation to do this. Most of us would give their left nut for such a chance.

IMHO it has to be Queenstown, south island NZ. Winter or summer there is going to be some adventure stuff to do, and there are flight schools nearby for the CPL and any rating you want. Go for the slung loads endorsement (or swung loads endorsement in my case...) as it sharpens you up and reminds you that you are not that flash a pilot.

Also the transfer of an NZ rating to an Oz licence is relatively easy, so you get 2 for the price of 1. Some of the best ridge gliding in the world nearby, and plenty of stuff for young kids to do, depending on their age.

4th Dec 2006, 14:42
It is not luck, why I can do this. I just need it to get my life back.
Within a year I lost first my mother and then my father. Both died on cancer and my sister and I got the message that it was cancer for both within 24h. In the same year we lost our appartment because the owners daughter needed it and I lost my job due to "economic reasons". All while my father was slowly loosing the battle. Not really luck and thinking about it, there are a lot of people with a life far worse than mine but I just do not want to wait till I retire.

I have flown slingload and I love it. NZ would be nice. Nothing on the north island? Taupo?

4th Dec 2006, 20:23
Hamilton Island, sunny queensland OZ. someone else can find the co. all of your wish list plus night pilots transfers jobs if you're up to it.