View Full Version : Happy Thanksgiving to all our US mates

23rd Nov 2006, 10:10
Just a quick note to wish Happy Thanksgiving to all our US buddies detached in the sand pit and elsewhere at the moment. I know its a very important time of the year for you. I am watching Fox News at the moment and its all concerning, how much they (the american public) appreciate what the troops are doing for the country, and how grateful they are to you guys and gals.

Have a safe one!:ok:

Mods please dont merge threads for this, lots of people dont read or dont have time to browse other threads, Thanks!

23rd Nov 2006, 10:16
Just a quick note to wish Happy Thanksgiving to all our US buddies detached in the sand pit and elsewhere at the moment. I know its a very important time of the year for you. I am watching Fox News at the moment and its all concerning, how much they (the american public) appreciate what the troops are doing for the country, and how grateful they are to you guys and gals.

Have a safe one!:ok:

Wonder what that feels like? Shame our own white van man society aren't behind our guys just that little bit more.

Anyway, happy thanksgiving. (The rehearsal for Christmas!)

23rd Nov 2006, 10:28
Totally agree. Its quite overwhelming the tributes that are on the US news. Rightly deserved by all. Just in case the US boys stuck in the middle of nowhere cant see the news. The news teams are calling for all US citizens, who, if they know a family nearbye who have a family member away on duty, to go around, knock on their door and thank them for the sacrifice their sons, daughters, husbands, wives, mums and dads are making for the community and the country.
Good on em! Boy have we got a lot to learn.

23rd Nov 2006, 10:42
Happy Thanksgiving Chaps....try not to burn down the accom when deep frying the turkey (delicious by the way!!)


23rd Nov 2006, 10:48
As a Brit who is currently embedded within the American set up here in the sandpit, I can confirm that the place is over flowing with parcels from stateside, dispatched by complete strangers, schools, colleges, businesses and other 'charitable' organisations, many addresses to 'Dear Service person'. The parcels, many of them extremely large, contain letters of sincere and appreciative heartfelt thanks in addition to the usual selection of goodies!
Can't wait til Christmas, as I doubt Mr White Van man will be shipping anything my way!

23rd Nov 2006, 10:53
Soak it up waldorf! Enjoy!

23rd Nov 2006, 11:20
Athough this overt US support and patriotism is often viewed somewhat cynically by us Brits, what I think a lot of people could learn on this side of the pond is that the Armed Forces deserve the support of the people, whether or not you agree with the Govt (or parts of it) for sending them there in the first place.

"Support Our Troops" - as seen on a sticker on the back of about 50% of cars when I was stateside earlier this year - and also in Canada, despite the fact that most people strongly disagree with their Govt (or part of it) for getting them involved, mainly in Afg.

23rd Nov 2006, 14:21
While I don't support overt displays of affection and gratitude that foreigners seem so fond of, I would also like to wish our Cousins over the water a joyous Day.

I recollect that it commemorates the first time the American settlers valued the "hearts and minds" approach to dealing with the Natives. A valuable technique and well worth remembering. Cheers!

23rd Nov 2006, 15:05
now if they could move it to a time of year when anyone is harvesting anything (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thanksgiving#Thanksgiving_in_Canada) :) Come on guys - we moved Daylight Savings for you!

23rd Nov 2006, 21:59
I thank you on behalf of the US ppruners. I was fortunate and just got up from my Thanksgiving meal (Mrs. outdid herself again, but then wonders why I put on weight!).

Last year I wasn't so fortunate and like so many of your and my brethren out there this year, missed it with my family.

Raise of the glass to those out there doing the job in spite of...........