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21st Nov 2006, 12:57
Bonjour tout la monde.
Je suis un étudiant irlandais qui s'entraîne pour voler. Je voudrais travailler en France, mais moi dont savent où commencer. Pouvez-vous m'aider ?
Pardonnez s'il vous plaît mon français. Je l'ai étudié depuis six ans, mais son très difficile.:)

21st Nov 2006, 22:33

Es-ce que tu as deja des licences aeronautiques? (PPL, CPL, IR)
Je n'ai pas bien compris, tu veux devenir pilote en france?? Tu veu savoir comment on fait?

Explique exactement ce que tu veux, j'essayerai de t'aider!


26th Nov 2006, 12:19
Bon ce que dit alghazal sur la formation en France n'est pas tout a fait juste. C'est vrai que la plupart des ecoles privées sont hors de prix, que pour trouver du boulot en france c'est la galère, mais une formation autre que l'enac ou cadets AirFrance est exactement la même!!

Et il n'y a pas des testeurs attribués pour l'enac, d'autres pour les ecoles privées, d'autres pour AF, je me suis fait tester par un testeur du sefa et si j'ai eu mes exams c'est que j'avais surement le même niveau que mes copain de l'enac!!!

Cependant je te conseille aussi de passer tes licences ailleurs, UK par exemple? (La licence JAR/UK est mieux qu'une licence Jar francaise), Ou d'aller au canada peut etre? renseigne toi je ne sais pas exactement comment ca se passe la bas!

Allez bon courage!

2nd Dec 2006, 14:45
jey . . .

why is the UK JAR licence better than the French one ?

2nd Dec 2006, 16:26
Only french TRE's can sign your licence if you have a French JAR Licence. So if you want to find a job (and most jobs are in the uk - certainly not in France), you'll have to change your licence. Best to save you the hassle and get a uk licence from the start.

2nd Dec 2006, 17:16
Only french TRE's can sign your licence if you have a French JAR Licence. So if you want to find a job (and most jobs are in the uk - certainly not in France), you'll have to change your licence. Best to save you the hassle and get a uk licence from the start.

This is untrue, I have initial type and recurrent signed off by UK TRE since I changed my french "pilote de ligne" into an ATPL one...

The only kicker is that you have to sit the french exams to go trough french flying and licence. check FCL

2nd Dec 2006, 17:44
TRE's in my company are instructed not to sign off french licences (nor italian ones for that matter). There is definitely something fishy going on here. Maybe France has decided to comply with FCL requirements after all, but somehow I doubt it...

2nd Dec 2006, 19:21
Also why UK licence are better than French. Because when you apply anywhere in the world it remove doubt to your employer about your english proficiency. It came across many time when i try to get a CV from a french fellow.:(

2nd Dec 2006, 19:45
Just a comparison.....

I'm a french and canadian citizen....

For French authority to give me a french validation valid one year of my British CAA issued JAR ATPL took 8 monthes of enquiry....
Reason officially given: "JAR are the norms but We, French DGAC are THE AUTHORITY to check that Norms have been respected to give you the right to fly on a French registered aircraft... and we'll take the time to check each and every point..."

Take my Canadian ATPL licence, get to South Africa... it took just 15 days to prepare and do an Air law test and a Twin IFR test...

Lesson out of it: Go for a licence issued by an authority that doesn't keep your file on the desk just for the pleasure of saying that they have files to solve and so their job's important... Kapitch!

LRdriver II
2nd Dec 2006, 21:09
In the end, all the companies dont give a crap about which country is the issuing one.. as long as you have a JAA one when applying for a job in JAR-land.

Considering the amount of useless rubbish they teach, stick with a country which language you truly understand and am fluent in. Reason is that alot of these obscure written questions are written to catch you out.. obscure grammar and confusing options. So do whats easiest and hence cheapest in the long run.

Yes.. this JAA lark is very much like George Orwells "Animal Farm"... we are all equal but some are more equal than others.

3rd Dec 2006, 05:53
TRE's in my company are instructed not to sign off french licences (nor italian ones for that matter). There is definitely something fishy going on here. Maybe France has decided to comply with FCL requirements after all, but somehow I doubt it...

This is perfectly correct, and written in the FCL, however, you do an LPC/OPC with a UK TRE, then you go to any license office in france and your licence is renewed. The TRE CANNOT sign the licence, but he can fill out the paperwork and it is valid.

3rd Dec 2006, 10:08
Ok j'ai pigé!:ok: