View Full Version : Plastic Cups at Orly!

16th Nov 2006, 18:20
Departing Orly South for Casablanca two days ago....passing by Taxyway Whisky and saw about a thousand white plastic cups still wrapped in batches all scattered around on the grass.

Is there a funny story to how they got there, or did they just fall out of the van??

17th Nov 2006, 07:14
It's just a picture of what France looks like today !

A big mess, nobody care anymore !

17th Nov 2006, 12:45

I am sitting here in Lyon, looking out the window and between the rain, the racailles and the garbage; it is all looking a bit sad!

The plastic cups thing has had me thinking....they just seemed to be in a strange position to have fallen off a van.

Not close to any access route or the perimeter. I'll bet there's a story somewhere. Maybe I will just make one up!!