View Full Version : HELP

30th Oct 2006, 17:33

Every fourm I try to enter I have this some up on my screen.

1/se="deotW1se="de tiv=Type" cjavase="dep src="clint-se="de/pb" covBu_menu.js?v=362">1/se="deotW1ot,k rel="alter1"te" tiv=TyapplBcas,av/rss+xml" titl=TyPPRuNe F jums RSS Feed" href="e" er1"l.php?tiv=TRSSn 3.6.2-ot,k rel="alter1"te" tiv=TyapplBcas,av/rss+xml" titl=TyPPRuNe F jums - pe" coRumourspNamptW1/lang="enbodyotW1!-- logo --otW19-1" /f-top">1/a6.2-table b="ker="0" width="100%" cellpaddRep="0" cellspacRep="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" aotgv="cengerpotW1trotW1td aotgv="left">1a href="iTdex.php">1img src="images/misc/pplogonew3.gif" b="ker="0" altTyPPRuNe F jums 3.61/a6 1a href='tional//EN"pprunehttp:panAccess207/MAacl.php?banMAacSn 3.6bp1img src='tional//EN"pprunehttp:aawaa,profesorumege9/"o.auif" BORDWAAC10 AL erew,='0'60' altT'Ccrew,c4'widtWditeg sAustrops,rs Queso,aCrumege'e F jumtWditeg sAustrops,rs Queso,aCrumege'ea61img src='tional//EN"pprunehttp:panAccess207/MAalg.php?banMAalgn 3.6bp1a href='tional//EN"pprunehttp:panAccess207/MAacl.php?banMAacSn 3.6bp1img src='tional//EN"pprunehttp:aads/,crew,c4u_46860'x60eTDmoosederew,='0'60' altT'Acins,ai'widtrunehttp:aads/,crew,c4uRGET="_bl'e F jumtrunehttp:aads/,crew,c4uRGET="_bl'ea61img src='tional//EN"pprunehttp:panAccess207/MAalg.php?banMAalgn 3.6bp tW1divistyl/="paddRep:0px 25px 0px 25px"otW1se="de tiv=Type" cjavase="depotW1!-- funcescr log_out() { ht = documnt-.getElamnt-sByTagN" /("onte"); ht[0].styl/.filter = "progid:DXImageTD XHform.Microsoft.BasicImage(grayscale=1)"; if (-trfirm('Are you sure you wat- to log out?')) { return true; } else { ht[0].styl/.filter = ""; return false; } } //--otW1/se="deotW1brilotW1!-- brangcjumb, login, pm info --otW1table class="tb="ker" cellpaddRep="6" cellspacRep="1" b="ker="0" width="100%" aotgv="cengerpotW1trotW1td class="alt1" width="100%"otW1table cellpaddRep="0" cellspacRep="0" b="ker="0"otW1tr vaotgv="bottom"6.2-td>1a href="#" crclire="history.back(1); return false;">1img src="images/misc/navbits_start.gif" altTyGo Back" b="ker="0" .61/a6 1a href="iTdex.php" accesskey="1">PPRuNe F jums tW1span class="navbar">1a href="iTde&gp:1php" acceshp?f=13">1img cla=f jorump1img cla=selages/mimg" src="images/buttons/s rtafi1"lot,k.gif" altTyReload this Page" b="ker="0" .61/a6 tW1strongo W1a href=ytiWelc hr,otW1- Sept.lotW1select nam=TYouArast _aviD/x: Tooue catnavbar">1a hrr: #">11:28an clas "nt namums/f jumpepUET="cpr1/a6PPRuNe Email1/a6Calendar1/a6Advervise1/a6PPRuNe F j4ow">Ctraact Us1/a1img cla=seps,avnojs=1#ET="cptdo1/t>Qu to LyRestWpe" ce" cjavase="depotW1!-- funce -po1a hregiiteg("ET="cptdo1/tse;rilotW1!-ass=" vbmenu_tffic,-po1a href="../adverv.phpo --oe#imgcodo -etups,avo -etuhash=976fec209d366b9e6f549237c0dc88beturn toggle_ctllap ht = doc">L rtusd class="vbmotW1/div>tW1!-- / nav buttons bar --otW1brilotW1table class="tb="

The only way I can get into any fourm is to click on the 'Last Post' and that takes me into the forum. As one can see I can add replys. Ppurne is the only website I am having this problem. This has lasted for two days.

However, I cannot start a thread in any fourm, therefore I came here hoping for help.

Anybody have any idea what is wrong?

Thanks, C-P

30th Oct 2006, 17:51
Does your java kick in when this happens?

30th Oct 2006, 17:53
No, everything works normal, except that I cannot get into any forum the normal way. Except very occasionally, but then right back to the gibberish.

PPRuNe Towers
30th Oct 2006, 18:43
Have you tried using another brand of browser to isolate the problem Con?

Plenty available freely along these lines:

Amaya, Arachne, Barque, Beonex, BrowseX, Cheetah, Cineast, Dillo, Emacs W3, Encompass, Epiphany, Firefox, Galeon, Grail, HotJAVA, Ice, Jazilla, Jozilla, Konqueror, Kylie, Light, Lynx, Minimo, Netraider, Netscape, Opera, Pyleon, Skipstone, Star Office, ViewML and Zen.

I'm not sure if any of them are endorsed by the Cardinals though;)


30th Oct 2006, 19:19
I'm not sure if any of them are endorsed by the Cardinals though

Very funny.:p

No, I'll give it a try, thanks. :ok:

30th Oct 2006, 19:26
Okay, it must be a AOL problem. Because on Yahoo everything works fine.

I'll keep working on the problem, any hints well be greatly appreciated.


31st Oct 2006, 00:42
Okay, it must be a AOL problem.

I'd be very rich if I had a pound for every time I've heard that!

Any ISP but AOL...