View Full Version : Would Anyone Vote Labour ?

The Swinging Monkey
26th Oct 2006, 12:37
In light of events over say the past 5 years or so, could I ask if there is any serving member of HM Forces who would vote Labour?

Many thanks

26th Oct 2006, 12:41
You could also ask any ex member and I think you would get a definate 'NO'.

26th Oct 2006, 12:50
This ones easy:

Im not on the dole
I have always worked
I am not an immigrant
I have only the 1 job
I have only the 1 Identity
I have 2 children, both of which were born before Gordon Browns so no freebies for me!
I don't live in a council house
I dont live in a housing association house
I dont live in a bedsit
Im not PC and never have been
I cannot see whats wrong with hunting?

So I guess Im not a Labour voter nor ever have been!

Regie Mental
26th Oct 2006, 12:58
Also add to the list:

I don't have a criminal record
I pay my taxes
I'm faithful to my wife

26th Oct 2006, 13:00
Of course there are. Some. And the reasons are the same for the forces as life in general.

The main one is: most people don't change their vote. Where I live, Margaret Thatcher would get elected if she wore a red rosette and said, "I have a social conscience". So would a donkey.

If that were not the case, marginal constituencies would be unimportant at election times.

The forces are another type of constituency: for them, read Ken Livingstone and donkey. On the whole.

Tin hat on and waiting for all the "I weigh up the issues every time, and vote as necessary", responses.


26th Oct 2006, 13:01
I bought a conservatory. For every pound spent on the conservatory I had to earn more than double. Now some :mad: face wants to make me pay an additional local council community charge because I bought a conservatory.

Instead I could have banked cost of the conservatory in an ISA and saved that tax.

What :mad: services are my council going to give me because I have a :mad: conservatory?

I had a mind to visit my local police station and leave a urine sample so I could be added to the national database. Unfortunately the door was locked and there was no letter box.:}

26th Oct 2006, 13:03
Also add to the list:

I'm faithful to my wife

What has that got to do with voting labour?

Definatley didnt mean much to the MP's of the last Tory govt. Or one of the recent Liberal mp's.

Agree with the rest though......as far as generalisations go.

26th Oct 2006, 13:07
Sheez.. I'm a colonial and I can answer that question!!!

What were you guys thinking???

tut .. tut.. tut..

26th Oct 2006, 13:18
Yes. Your point? Also several relatives, serving and ex.

26th Oct 2006, 13:18
No, I would not vote for them ever. They have been a total disaster for this country. Parasite is too nice a word for them. Many years ago Frank Dobson was my MP and he was stupid enough to come canvassing at my door. I told him that I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire and to get his fat useless arse off my property. I'm just itching for Glenda Jackson to turn up one day.

26th Oct 2006, 13:33
I'm not a registered sex offender

I haven't even been sent the form.

26th Oct 2006, 13:34
I would sooner eat my own **** than vote Labour!

26th Oct 2006, 13:37
I would sooner eat my own **** than vote Labour!

Short and to the point, I like it!

Logging onto www.armyaviation.co.uk would get my vote every time!

26th Oct 2006, 13:54

Sorry. For a minute I thought it was a cinical, alternative-humour question.

IIRC, just prior to the fleet sailing south to remove unwanted types from Soveriegn southern islands, there were three VSO's (one RN, one RAF and one Army) being interviewed on the box. The Naval VSO stated that following the Labour party's wet and whining 'We don't need to send in the troops. Let us resolve this situation through diplomacy' charade, he thought Her Majesties Armed forces would not be able to operate under a future Labour government.

Sounds like wisdom and foresight to me.

OK, I'm no longer serving. I did 18 years loyal service, so maybe you will allow me to make my comment. I concur with mutleyfour, Regie Mental and SirPeterHardingsLovechild, so I guess I am not alone in my thoughts on this issue.

As an ex-serving member of HM forces, would I have and would I now vote Labour?

Would I F:mad: K

26th Oct 2006, 13:56
Ex-RAF. No never.

26th Oct 2006, 14:25
'Free holidays in the sun courtesy of New Labour'

Ok well Iraq then !

Ill get my coat!


26th Oct 2006, 14:33
Wandering into my local bakery the other day I purchased a 'Gingerbread person' for my daughter. Back in the days before Tony this would have been described as a 'Gingerbread Man' . Now maybe I am being insensitive but I cannot recall any religion that coverts gingerbread or indeed do I have any friends or relations who's anatomy is made out of gingerbread or for that matter has chocolate covered legs! Exactly who are we marginalizing by
calling it a 'Gingerbreadman' ?

I could be oversimplifying matters but what kind of government do we have that allows this disease of PC to continue ?

26th Oct 2006, 14:36
You may want to look in "Jet Blast" for a thread marked "Mr. Blair, look after the UK first".

Pontius Navigator
26th Oct 2006, 15:23
Of course there are. Some. And the reasons are the same for the forces as life in general.
The main one is: most people don't change their vote. Where I live, Margaret Thatcher would get elected if she wore a red rosette and said, "I have a social conscience". So would a donkey.
If that were not the case, marginal constituencies would be unimportant at election times.
The forces are another type of constituency: for them, read Ken Livingstone and donkey. On the whole.
Tin hat on and waiting for all the "I weigh up the issues every time, and vote as necessary", responses.

In political science this is called the Denver Model. In this model the extreme left and extreme right - 20% in each case - will always vote the same way. Then we have the sons. They will follow their fathers although they may cross-over. Then wives will usually follow husbands.

Either side of the extremes there are the probably left or probably right. These will swing but more likely every 2-3 elections on the principle of fiar play and give the other guy a chance. While these middle voters contribute to the massive swings.

If it is the centre ground with 20% undecided. They are crucial to who wins - if they vote.

It is not a given that the forces are always one vote one way. Many will follow their fathers and continue that way. Many will be politically unaware and while they would probably vote right probably don't even register and if they do might not vote at all.

In some respects Labour, under Wilson/Healey did all right - C130, F4, Buccanneer, Harrier, Nimrod and no doubt many other fine projects - CVS?

Maggie fixed the pay and the Falklands but also gave us John Nott. A cursory look suggests that we used to do quite well under labour and less well under tory. I suspect Pr00ne will be able to give a more solid answer.

And my answer to the question? Over my dead body.

26th Oct 2006, 15:37
Labour- Utterly Utterly Useless :ugh:
Libs- Utterly Utterly Utterly Useless :}
Conservative- Utterly Utterly Utterly Utterly Useless :eek:

Independent Party....... Hmmm there's a thought.....

'UK Ex-Mil Independent Party'. Or maybe I've been watching too much tele again.


PS: Someone else can have my vote, NON of them are worth it.

26th Oct 2006, 15:59
ADVO makes a good point. While Tone and the gang are absolutely not to be trusted, does ''Call Me Dave'' Cameron look to be anything more than a Blair clone? And a vote for Minging is a vote flushed, so that's out of the question. So who does one vote for? I for one am undecided. Not that I don't know who I WONT vote for, but I don't know who I will, if all that makes any sense.

I guess I'd give a second look to any party that grabbed the runaway benefits system, got a hold of immigration, actually imprisoned some muggers and rapists instead of giving them a good talking-to, took care of our veterans and recognised the worth of our armed forces. Vitally, they also need to sort out the Scottish question: I'm sick of subsidising our cousins north of the border.

Does anyone know which party might make those sorts of commitments?

26th Oct 2006, 16:16
Whilst I wouldn't necessarily vote Tory, I will never, ever vote for Labour. Why would I vote for a party that thinks it acceptable to allow the Home Secretary to commit travel claim fraud, sack him for a while and then give him another ministerial job? If I did that, we all know for a fact that I would be dismissed in disgrace, be languishing in HMP Winchester and as a bonus, would have lost my pension.
I thought leadership was about example?

26th Oct 2006, 16:24

Apparently, leadership is about drawing a line under an "error" and "moving on"........

According to the Dear Leader at any rate.

26th Oct 2006, 16:26
Mainstream Options:

Tony B-Liar
'Call Me Dave'- I Cycle, but have my Lappy in my RangeRover
Ming (Any leader called 'Ming'..... Bad Idea. "Flash, Flash I love you!" etc)

See my point. Who Do you vote for? Why coudn't Ex-Serving members of any side/faith/rank/time period form a credible party. You never know, it might work. I can just imagine an old WO as PM shouting....'"Don't 'But' me Lad.... Get the Flip on with it!!"

Now, back to earth.... engage retro thrusters......


26th Oct 2006, 16:37
I agree with BEags.
Born in Yorkshire and lived in a paper bag int' road etc.; but even my Dad, a dyed in the wool socialist most of his life, turned Tory when he saw what Harold Wilson and Dennis Healy did to TSR2. I was just starting my RAF pilot training at the time and I'm still convinced that that pair of traitors took their pay direct from the Kremlin. TSR2 cancelled, F1-11 ordered (to be cancelled later with huge financial penalties), British Aircraft industry and Economy decimated in one fell sweep.
Socialist principles may be laudable but socialism, like communism is impractical - and how could you trust a 'socialist' with a seven figure (or close) family income?
Have never and will never vote Labour, nomatter how incompetent the Tories may be.

26th Oct 2006, 16:51
I agree with BEags.
I was just starting my RAF pilot training at the time and I'm still convinced that that pair of traitors took their pay direct from the Kremlin.

Interesting point. Have you read Spycatcher?

26th Oct 2006, 16:54

Armed Forces
The Judiciary
The Penal System
Victims Rights


Social Security
Political Correctness
Brits in the Racial Minority

You must be :mad: joking...

26th Oct 2006, 17:05
I'd rather hammer a tent peg through my todger than vote for this bunch of morally bankrupt, self-serving shysters.

If anybody sees me so much as thinking about putting an 'X' in the Labour box, you have my permission to shoot me on the spot.

Although, in one respect I do take my hat of to them .... they have managed to royal screw the country over and have got us to pay for the privilege!

26th Oct 2006, 18:38
I'd rather vote for Mrs. Ros Pritchard.

26th Oct 2006, 18:41
Not as long as I have a hole in my butt and fat chance that will heal over.

I dream of seeing that useless lump of lard "Two Jaguars Prescott" pulled over on the northern hard shoulder of the M1 on his pushbike after finding himself and the rest of his cronies out of a job and out of perks............

26th Oct 2006, 19:04
I'd rather hammer a tent peg through my todger than vote for this bunch of morally bankrupt, self-serving shysters.
Now there's some dedication:}

26th Oct 2006, 19:15
In the early eighties, an old school friend of mine described Conservative leanings in the RAF as an "Occupational Hazard". At least we no longer have junior officers on income support as happened in the 1970s. Labour has done very little to encourage us in the past and I see no change in this for the future - supporting us does not give votes in marginals!!!

26th Oct 2006, 19:16
I guess I'd give a second look to any party that actually imprisoned some muggers and rapists instead of giving them a good talking-to

Which prison shall we put them in exactly? That full one? Or that other full one?

The point here people, is that society is to blame for the way Britain is at the moment. We've let the wank*rs take over the country unfortunately. (And I don't mean the Govt!) It's about time this lazy, white van man, sun reading nation got off it's ars*s and stopped whingeing about all that's going on, and actually DID something. Yobs tearing up your street? Give 'em a talking to! People driving whilst on the phone? Show them the wank*r sign. LET PEOPLE KNOW that you're not going to stand for being a "nice guy" constantly screwed over by the shylocks, yobs and idiots.

I was accosted in Scotland last week by a young scruffy lad while I was walking the father in law's dog. He started having a crack (No doubt off his head on heroin) shouting lots of four letter abuse at me. For NO REASON whatsoever. I carried on walking. Eventually he ended up literally in my face threatening me.
It was at this point that I summoned up a haymaker of a right hook.

There was no comeback. No Police report. Just a heroin addict who was looking for an easy fight/easy cash lying on his back wishing he'd never bothered. So for God's sake people, reclaim YOUR country. The Government can't force yobs to respect you.

Vote for "My mate call me Dave"? No thanks. He's no better than the current lot, and probably worse.

Or Ming "Werthers original"? What, and have someone's old Dad running the country? We need a Statesman, not an old folks home resident.

We at least know where we stand with Labour these days. We may get screwed over, but for me it's a case of better the devil you know.

In short, yes I'd vote Labour.

And that's from a man whose Mum brought him up to be Conservative. I just don't see what they have to offer these days other than more lies than Labour. The Cameron "Cycling to work" thing was a good case in point. Bloody car following behind. If you can't trust him now, you certainly can't trust him once he has the power to lie unchecked as PM. Christ, even Blair wouldn't have tried that stunt.

26th Oct 2006, 19:17
I would suggest, MaxBurner, that you look up UK Independence Party on the internet. You will find they sing your song, and mine, which is why I voted UKIP last time. Instead of wasting money on the EU, (see Bruges Group website), we could buy helicopters for the boys in Afghanistan, amongst other essentials.
When we asked the Belgians for artillery shells, prior to Desert Storm, they refused, lest they suffer repercussions. Plucky little Belgium my arse.
With the honourable exception of the Dutch, our Continental allies are swanning around out of harms way. What are they there for if not to stand alongside us in the hotspots?
As Stormin' Norman said, "Going to war without the French is like going duck hunting without your accordian."
UKIP should not be necessary. The Conservatives should be saying what UKIP are saying. Until they do, UKIP is the arrow aimed at their electoral chances.

26th Oct 2006, 21:15
Would Anyone Vote Labour ?

I would personally prefer to eat a teaspoon of my own Sh*t than vote for these two-faced nation-destroying clowns. :mad: :mad:

26th Oct 2006, 21:28
Not commenting on your domestic politics, but this is too f@ckin'' funny!


"Borrowed" from Jet Blast

26th Oct 2006, 21:29
Having only turned the age of legally voting, growing up as a forces child and now working in a forces environment, I feel that I couldn't bring my pen to mark the [ ] for Labour unless it was to spoil the paper.

Being in Somerset, a known Liberal Democ:mad: :mad: ts area, its almost impossible to make any difference down here.

With many of my peers not giving a rats arse what happens, I often wonder what happens if I don't bother turning up.

UKIP sounds more and more like a credible alternative, but I don't think there's any encouragement for younger people to vote.

Thats a bit disjointed I know, apologies in advance

Ali Barber
26th Oct 2006, 21:31
If only the ballot paper had a box marked "none of the above"!

26th Oct 2006, 21:39
Yes, I would if I could, but it would be a wasted vote as its a LD/Con race here ... so I reluctantly have to vote LD in order to keep the Tories out. But if Labour had a shout, then yes I would ... absolutely.
P.S. Currently serving.

26th Oct 2006, 22:13
Which prison shall we put them in exactly? That full one? Or that other full one?

Prison will always be more expensive and less efficient than a jacketed hollowpoint.

The point here people, is that society is to blame for the way Britain is at the moment. We've let the wank*rs take over the country unfortunately. (And I don't mean the Govt!) It's about time this lazy, white van man, sun reading nation got off it's ars*s and stopped whingeing about all that's going on, and actually DID something.

Quite correct, government and society are simply reflections of the citizen body, but it'd take a revolution to change this place. Try forming a party of level-headed, cold-eyed pragmatists dedicated to depoliticising the civil service and society as a whole and introducing rational policies across the board and watch what happens : the entrenched politicians and their snivelling friends in the media, who find the current set-up perfectly congenial, will deploy their full array of lies and manipulations to destroy your reputation. What they say doesn't need to be true for the mongs to believe it.

In short, yes I'd vote Labour.

And that's from a man whose Mum brought him up to be Conservative. I just don't see what they have to offer these days other than more lies than Labour. The Cameron "Cycling to work" thing was a good case in point. Bloody car following behind. If you can't trust him now, you certainly can't trust him once he has the power to lie unchecked as PM. Christ, even Blair wouldn't have tried that stunt.

You are joking, aren't you ? Or are you forgetting the whining about global warming just before he made a helicopter trip to a Labour Party meeting ?

As far as I can see there are two realistic alternatives : emigrate to Oz or keep doing what I've been doing at every election for the past ten years or so : spoil your ballot paper by writing 'You're all c:mad:ts'. on it.

26th Oct 2006, 22:48
spoil your ballot paper by writing 'You're all c:mad:ts'. on it.

Most constructive.

THAT will sort them all out! Wish I'd thought of it before.

That'll teach them. I can just see them now sitting up in Westminster, looking at your ballot paper....

You utter idiot.

You're a waste of a vote.

26th Oct 2006, 22:56
What would be better would be the option 'None of the above' as Ali Barber suggested. At which point ALL candidates on the paper would be banned from standing for any public office again. :ok:

27th Oct 2006, 00:16
Most constructive.
THAT will sort them all out! Wish I'd thought of it before.
That'll teach them. I can just see them now sitting up in Westminster, looking at your ballot paper....
You utter idiot.
You're a waste of a vote.

Constructive voting : now there's a novelty.

It's not meant to 'teach them', still less 'sort them all out', it's an opinion; that much ought to be obvious. Strange as it may seem to someone at the centre of the decision-making process, someone whose every word shakes the Westminster Village, nor have I ever been under the impression that the average politician would ever give a flying toss for my or anyone else's opinion, no matter how eloquently stated or intellectually coherent, unless it agreed with his existing prejudices or was likely to get him re-elected. While it's true that there are independent-minded politicians who refuse to conform to the party line and prevailing fashion, a good look at the current register would suggest that they're rather rare.

Outside of referenda - where the choice is between approval or disapproval of a particular law or policy - voting only works when there are people worth voting for, citizens of considerable intellect, experience and wisdom, and an electorate capable of distinguishing between them and the maniacal fraudsters, liars and buffoons who are inevitably attracted to popularity contests. Of course, if you're suggesting that we live in such a happy land, feel free to show your workings. In your own time.

If not, feel free to explain who we're supposed to vote for when none of the parties represents our opinions, and what value a vote has when incumbents can use money, a party machine and a compliant media to squeeze out less well funded independent candidates.

Or failing that, just go straight back to rant mode. You weren't flying Tone's heli that day were you ? Plenty of his mates have more than one job.