View Full Version : Future of JAA-FCL1

10th Oct 2006, 06:59

I recently researched the JAA and EASA websites to find out basics about the JAA system. I found that the JAA (was) supposed to cease to exist and the EASA is supposed to (have) take(n) over control and authority of Flight Crew Licensing in all EASA aka EU states.
According to the website the JAA will convert itself into JAA T by December 31st and continue to foster FCL issues until the EASA is ready to take over.
- Does anyone have an idea how long it will take EASA to "take over" the projections on the website say 2008, but in 2002 they thought it would be done by 2004....
- What will happen then to the existing JAA licenses? Will they be grandfathered into EASA licenses or many pilots will have to start training half way over again?
- What happens to the JAA licenses issued by countries who are not (yet) EU members? (JAA but not EU hence not EASA)
- What will happen to non JAA licenses issued by EU member states who are not "Mutually Recognized" members of the JAA or not members at all? (not JAA for the purpose of FCL-ing but EU hence EASA)

10th Oct 2006, 16:10
Replace the word "JAR" with "EASA" e.g. EASA-OPS1 or EASA-FCL1. The underlying processes will take a lot longer to evolve.