View Full Version : UK AAIB September 2006

15th Sep 2006, 06:21
Autogyro (Europe MT-03) makes sharp turn and rolls over when lowering nosewheel after landing on mains - http://www.aaib.dft.gov.uk/sites/aaib/publications/bulletins/september_2006/autogyro_europe_mt_03__g_rsuk.cfm

Bad month for autogyros it seems - Beagle Wallis WA-116 caught in down-draught, comes down in playing field - http://www.aaib.dft.gov.uk/sites/aaib/publications/bulletins/september_2006/beagle_wallis_wa_116_f__g_attb.cfm

Rain obscures view during hovering practice, but R-22 strikes ground while translating to blow the drops off - http://www.aaib.dft.gov.uk/sites/aaib/publications/bulletins/september_2006/robinson_r22_beta__g_opal.cfm

H300 gets engine prob but the precautionary landing goes wrong - http://www.aaib.dft.gov.uk/sites/aaib/publications/bulletins/september_2006/schweizer_269c__g_ogob.cfm

You might notice the page refers to an R44, but the link is back to the R-22 report. I think they've got themselves slightly confused.