View Full Version : Can you imagine if Blair said this?

16th Aug 2006, 10:51

Found on Jetblast, check out post 31.

Thoughts please

16th Aug 2006, 11:03
:D :D :D :D :D

Would love to hear ANY high profile politician saying this. We really need to: stop being so embarrassed about being British, rejoice in our history and culture, and make clear to those that oppose that they do not have to be here....

It is not racist, contrary to many people's opinions, to have national pride.

That could have turned into a BIG rant but I'm in a rush!!

16th Aug 2006, 11:31
Cute - but it was not said quite like that and I am sure that the government has not adopted this as a policy.

Australian citizens - just like other citizens of any democratic country - can say what they like. Its called free speech and we seem to kill lots of people insisting that is what every country should have.

Even if an citizen says he wants to overthrow the government violently we cannot take citizenship off them - we cannot deport them - it is illegal - get with it chaps - all one can do is charge them as traitors or something.


16th Aug 2006, 11:59
Barkly you are of course right

As a democratic society we couldn’t kick these people out of our country just for disagreeing with us. We would be hypocrites.

But in the same way as I wouldn’t expect to move to Iran and be able to go out on the lash on a Friday night and then pop down to the local greasy spoon for sausage, egg and chips the next morning. Why if a person wanted to live under Islamic law, would they want to go and live in a westernised country that the felt didn’t understand their culture?

Unless of course they wanted the best of both worlds, a welfare state, the freedoms we have and the right to bitch about it without fear of reprisal.

I think all we should be saying to anybody who wants to immigrate to our country is; Your are welcome in our country, these are our laws and this is our culture, we will do our best to accept you as you are, but we will not change our laws and way of life to suit you.

Surely if these people want to live here they are the ones who have to flex not us!

16th Aug 2006, 12:45
Well said :D
Can't understand how this country turned into the quivering, spineless, thought-policed nanny state it has become. Very sad :{

South Bound
16th Aug 2006, 13:25
I will vote for the first man to stand up, say it and mean it.

In the current climate, that is only likely to be Howard or Costello, hmmm, I wonder what South Bound alludes to...

17th Aug 2006, 14:07
I think those sentiments effectively sum up the way the majority of the British public feel. I also feel the majority of the Muslim comminity feel the same way. If I lived in a foreign country, I'd like to feel that I'd like to integrate into that country, as most of the Muslims do into Britain, so for me the issue is not a religious one. For me its a cultural one, for the small minority of easily-led Muslims who are sold the lie that they will achieve greatness by taking up the cause, and refuse to accept that there can be any other valid belief system (i repeat, a minority).

Make no mistake, this issue is about a minority of Muslims attempting to drive a wedge between Muslims and non-muslims, and the more we alienate the majority of muslims, the larger the easily-led minority will become, as there will be more reason to believe the lies. Perhaps a straight-talking hard-hitting line such as this would remind the Muslim community as a whole that the benefits to being a faithful Briton are there for the taking, but not if that comminity cannot control its minority. If the minority cannot be controlled, the majority will eventually suffer the consequences. Simple common sense.