View Full Version : ICAO's standards on vision

15th Aug 2006, 15:34
Hi pple,

I dug this out. If you have any questions on vision (Lasik, Lens Implant or whatever), do refer to it.

However, ICAO's acceptance does not mean UK CAA or JAR's acceptance. They have their own way of setting the requirements. But I do see FAA and CASA in line with it. Probably a number of other countries as well.

I have done an Intra-Ocular Lens in my eyes before to correct myopia.

Left - 13.5
Right - 12.0

Right now it's 6/9 w/o correction and 6/6 with specs. And I have a Malaysian Class 1 Medical :}

15th Aug 2006, 15:37
Oh sorry haha, here's the link. http://web.nbaa.org/public/ops/sic/ICAOAnnex1.pdf