View Full Version : complex SEP rating questions

acuba 290
10th Aug 2006, 01:53
1. i have JAA-PPL issued by UK CAA and would like to make some training in Germany with Turboarrow. It means, that after training i am going to get something like complex type rating, but where: in the logbook or in the license?

2. If in the license, is it possible to get it in Germany without sending PPL to London?

10th Aug 2006, 07:17
as far as I am aware it is not an official type rating (i could be wrong) and there is no need to send any complex paperwork off to the CAA. All it is, is differneces training and just write it in your logbook.....

10th Aug 2006, 07:17
In the UK, under JAA, a complex signoff is just an instructor signature in the logbook.

Same under FAA (N-reg).

10th Aug 2006, 08:45
Acuba - What you are talking about is not a rating, merely differences training (for VP prop, retractable undercarriage, etc) and JAR-FCL 1.235(c)(1) states:

The differences training shall be entered in the pilot's logbook or equivalent document and signed by a CRI/TRI/SFI(A) or FI(A) as appropriate.

acuba 290
10th Aug 2006, 08:58
so in my case it don't have to be UK CRI/TRI/SFI etc. ? It can also be a german or estonian one?