View Full Version : How much do FISOs get paid?

8th May 2006, 20:59
Sorry to be so blunt, but can someone please give me a ball-park figure?:ok:

9th May 2006, 08:02
In Home Counties 'ball-park' is approx 150% minimum wage.

9th May 2006, 18:22
Talkdown man pretty much on the ball.

For your info go on the amount you would get to stack shelves at tescos but for a 50 hour week.

There are lots of up sides to the job, getting to know pilots, seeing multitude of aircraft types, getting plenty of flying and working inside the aviation community

Its a fantastic start to an aviation career, gives you alot of basic knowledge you just cannot find out from books, but they are only needed on small airfields which have very very limited budgets hence the low pay.

I loved my 5 years and i would not have the job i have today without my experiance as a FISO.


9th May 2006, 22:28
Thanks very much for replying guys. :*