View Full Version : Offer to transfer

Fg Off Max Stout
4th Apr 2006, 09:46
Contender for the most boring thread on pprune.

Having received my pension packup from Sqn admin a few days ago (yes, I know, but this is the same admin section that badgers me for an out of date AME the week after I complete it) I have taken quite a close look at the deal on offer. Looking at my expected circumstances and a number of alternative possibilities, I cannot see any way in which I would be better off under the new pension. Logic also suggests that the pension provider would only be offering a new deal if it saved them money through smaller returns to customers.

Did anyone take up the Offer to Transfer? What aspect of it superior to AFP75 for you? My reply goes in today.

4th Apr 2006, 10:03
Have a look through this little lot, it really depends on your personal circumstances. Either that or go to an FSA.


4th Apr 2006, 14:30
Personnally I'm squids in with the new pension but that's only because no matter how hard they tried they couldn't screw me. They tried in that I can only transfer 35 years on 6 April, (as opposed to the 38 I've actually served) but I'm still smiling all the way to the bank. Almost makes me feel like aircrew.

One minor point. I recieved today (4 April) a letter telling me if I wished to change my mind I must inform the OTT office by 31 Mar 06