View Full Version : CASA - in general and fees

29th Mar 2006, 11:26
CASA is going through a major re-organisation. Know one in the organisation knows what the hell is going on, and in some respects you have to feel sorry for them.

The charges that have been put in place by the beauacrats in canberra are a joke, no ther industry would accept it! 2 months plus to print a licence ($35) , Medical Renerwal (all done on a computer no human imput) $130! and some of the other stuff i have been told about is just a joke! ($1000s for simple approvals) The industry as we all know it has not upgraded our fleet since the 80s they are older, and we cant affor to replace them, less people want to fly, and it just makes it very hard. Unless you are an RPT operater then basicaly give it 5 yrs and you wil be gone!

What the hell are we all going to do ( Us GA guys and Girls and RPT as well). our industry and love is going to be screwed over, we need to all stand up to this mess that has occured, re-establish ourselves and make a go of it!

PM me if you want to have more of a chat, just got the ****s tonight.