View Full Version : Aviation Industry Employer Superannuation

29th Mar 2006, 04:49
Have been giving some thought to my personal superannuation. For many years my super was deposited with the Aviation Industry Superannuation Fund, then moved to a non aviation fund, but over the last few years the Aviation Employees Superannuation Fund (AESF), underwritten by AXA, seems to provide far better returns.

The AESF fund is not just for pilots but all employees and claims to provide portability between employers.

I’m seriously thinking of moving my super to AESF.

Anyone have any experience with AESF?

29th Mar 2006, 11:51
I too had a small super investment with the Aviation Industry Superannuation Fund for a number of years. The earnings yield was generally less than most funds, so moved my super to a non aviation related fund.

Any idea of the death cover and any loss of license cover with the new fund?