View Full Version : After Chemo Class 1 JAR

15th Mar 2006, 17:13
Hello to all,

I am in mid of my Chemotherapy of my "Hodgkin" and everything is going well so far. I have my mid check end of this month.
If all ok I should be finish with this end of May.
My JAR Med Certif expire mid July.
What is the best to do for the renewal of my Medical ??
Just go their and say nothing???? Or tell them the full story ?? What is the procedure after having a Chemo for a period of 4 month ?

Many thanks,:confused:

15th Mar 2006, 18:38
bon soir,

I think you'd better to contact some Aeromedical centre or speak with an AME about it. Anyway, the only things that wouldn't allow you to renew a Class 1 medicals are those which can affect the capability of flying and do it safely with no distractions. Have a look on JAR's http://www.jaa.nl/publications/section1.html
and read carefully the FCL-3 section, you'll certainly find an answer to your doubts.

good luck:)

16th Mar 2006, 19:35
You really have a professional responsibility under the ANO to notify them immediately as soon as you were diagnosed, even if you voluntarily stopped flying yourself. They'll send you a letter informing you that you are "temporarily unfit", and include a list of information they'll need from your oncologist when the treatment is over. Upon receipt of that they'll review your case on its own individual merits and determine whether or when you can regain your medical previledges and what restrictions (temporary or otherwise) you will have.

I'm going through this myself. My chemo (for testicular cancer) ended in Jan and I'm waiting at the moment for my oncologist to write his report to the CAA.

I have no idea what the ramifications might be if you didn't notify them of your illness and treatment, but I would assume at some point in the future it's going to catch up with you. Speak to the CAA at Gatwick, they're really quite sympathetic and will do whatever they can to get you flying again. Don't worry about not having informed them until now. Events overtook me after I was diagnosed and I didn;t get around to it for a couple of months into the treatment and they were fine about it. (I stopped flying immediately I got the diagnosis though. Not that I had any choice, what with an operation within days and embarking on chemo only days after that.)


Cabin doors 2 manual
8th Apr 2006, 17:57
Diablo, first of all good luck with the treatment, the shock of diagnosis is the toughest bit then is all plain sailing from there!

You need to contact the CAA as they require a diagnosis report and another report after treatment from your oncologist.

I had my treatment for "Non-Hodgkin" last July to October and everything went well with good prognosis. After many phone calls, letters and external consultants reports to the CAA, I am returning to commercial flying next week (about 8 months after chemo and 6 months after radiotherapy). This will be a restricted medical for a while.

Everybodys chemo and cancer is different. You are mad even thinking of trying to keep your treatment quiet from the CAA, there are many side effects that can make you unsafe to fly, such as organ damage, your blood count can change quickly many months later, cancer returning/secondary cancers caused by treatment may cause sudden incapacitation whilst flying.
If any of these problems surfaced in the future without telling the CAA about your treatment, you would have a lot of explaining to do and may make you appear as a danger to the public. Honesty is the only option here, I was treated fairly by the CAA, it may have taken longer than I wished to return to flying but everyones safety, including yours, is important.

Keep your spirits up, its a long road but one that must be travelled :ok:

9th Apr 2006, 16:30
Thank you.
I had my mid check-up 2 weeks ago and went very well. Most of the cells are gone and the remaining are half size. Acording to my Doctor I should be done with Chemo end of May and no side damage. Cross finger.....

Thanks a lot ! :))))

Cabin doors 2 manual
11th Apr 2006, 10:07
Diabolo, excellent news :D. I had a similiar response to my chemo and the cancer was practically all gone at half way stage and I believe this helped my get my flying medical back quicker.