View Full Version : New approach procedure yssy 16R

Austrian 001
2nd Mar 2006, 00:58
Have noticed yesterday and today aircraft on approach for 16R are coming in on a different track which then requires a right turn to line up at around 1000ft or 3nm. Can anyone please explain?

Prop's ????
2nd Mar 2006, 01:34
YSSY - RWY 16R ILS out of service.

They are flying the path of the 16R VOR approach.

Bort Simpson
3rd Mar 2006, 07:28
The 16R LLZ is being rebuilt by Airservices. Because there is a road behind where the old one was they had to put the new one in front (north of old location). This means that any vehicles working on the new one and the new LLZ would interfere with the signal. So as to minimise the total time out of action the new one is being built whilst the old one is being dismantled.

you will notice ATC trying to use any other Rwy direction that the wind allows for during this period so as to provide an ILS app. But as nature has decide at the moment, winds blow from the south this week. Good timing!

Starts with P
3rd Mar 2006, 10:27
Stupid 07 Arrivals... :bored: :}