View Full Version : Gordon Brown now loves HM Forces, discuss

air pig
16th Feb 2006, 18:46
Our esteemed Chancellor now appears to show his devotion to another women namely HM Forces, what happened to Prudence with a purpose.

The way the Government has stripped HM Forces of cash and resources over the past years is scandelous, now he wants to be their friend.

He has to my knowledge never ever made comment about the Balkan campaigns, Desert Fox, OP Telic or Afganishistan. Always been invisible when the s**t hits the fan, nearly as bad as teflon Tony. The cynic in me notes a photo oppurtunity today with the RN, never seen that before.

To HM Forces beware Chancellors bearing gifts. Must be looking for a new job and some votes.

16th Feb 2006, 20:18
To add to your note above, realise that GB has never set foot outside metropolitan London or Edinburgh except to attend the party conference.

I don't think he or Bliar own a pair of walking boots/wellies.

air pig
16th Feb 2006, 21:09
Who ever said they would walk without protection and a TV camera crew. That way you miss all the really interesting sights, unless they have been specially cleaned up. Always look for the new paint job.

16th Feb 2006, 23:27
Gordon Brown, The Smiling Knife.

Just remember that pat on the back isn't a form of recognition for a job well done. It's a recce for the knife in the back that is soon to follow.

19th Feb 2006, 01:19
Possibly wrong, he aped El Presidente during the Great African Disaster Relief Campaign, and was duly photographed hugging babies. Maybe this was at Shepperton Studios, though.

19th Feb 2006, 08:17
Note though that what he wants is more cadets, i.e. more volunteer officers/instructors paid a pittance, not actual serving personnel...


19th Feb 2006, 08:50
Well, he did announce recently a new "Veterans Day" each 27th June.

Two questions though:

1. Is it to be a Public Holiday?

2. What is the significance of the 27th June?

If he wants to have it in June then surely the obvious date would be the 6th.

19th Feb 2006, 18:32
Interesting piece about Gordon's inclinations in the Sunday Times Review...

Blairism hasn’t touched Scotland, and the chancellor likes it that way, says Kenny Farquharson

Nothing brings out the true Gordon Brown like a good Scottish funeral. Giving the oration at the passing of some eminent Scotsman, the chancellor invariably lets slip an insight into what he really believes. It was true of his stirring speeches at the funerals of former cabinet colleagues Robin Cook and Donald Dewar, and earlier this month at a memorial service for Rachel Squire MP.

Praising his friend and neighbouring member of parliament, Brown gave the congregation the old-time religion about what the Labour party stood for. He spoke of the “priceless heritage” he and Squire shared in the mining and shipyard communities in their corner of Scotland. “A belief in solidarity above selfishness,” he boomed, “a conviction that injustices should not be visited upon us, that injustices should not be visited on anyone.”

It is impossible to imagine him striking the same tone in middle England. He may be chancellor, architect of new Labour and prime minister in waiting, but Brown is foremost a Scottish Labour MP. A biographer of the great Red Clydeside hero James Maxton, he is marbled with the passions and instincts of the Scottish Labour party.


I have yet to read anywhere a coherent description of what the deployment of one light but reinforced Battle Group to Afghanistan is intended to achieve militarily or politically. Somehow, I doubt that our domestically inclined Chancellor is going to bring any clarity to the (misad)venture.

Very, very sad.

19th Feb 2006, 19:05
There is no coherent description of what a light battlegroup will be doing in Afghanistan, and the public doesn't relly care. GB is just using the Armed Forces as a convenient media tool to look like a politician for the people.:oh:

19th Feb 2006, 20:31
Possibly wrong, he aped El Presidente during the Great African Disaster Relief Campaign, and was duly photographed hugging babies. Maybe this was at Shepperton Studios, though.

So was Micheal Jackson!

Always a Sapper
19th Feb 2006, 22:25
Lets get this right, Gordon Brown loves Gordon Brown just as that other low life slithering weasel T Blair loves all things Tony and doing a few PR shoots with the lads helps Gordon............. and Tony..... as for the lads, do you honestly think either of em actually gives a flying :mad: about the forces?:sad: