View Full Version : Dilemma - Integrated Training

27th Dec 2005, 20:54
Hi all,

Am just wondering, call me stupid for asking this if it seems as such, incase u havent seen my other post im 18 and have a PPL and am in last year of college (finish in July, yipeee!)) but im planning to purchase a car around Feb, and as most other 18yr olds i need a loan or HP.

But when im starting my integrated training (around summer hopefully) will i be able to work part-time on the weekends or something in order to pay those few hundreds a month? Or will the schedule not allow me to do that?

All help will be much appreciated

Thanks :cool:

27th Dec 2005, 21:46
No I don't think that you will be able to work at the weekends, if you do then you will just burn yourself out. groundschool is alot of work to get all of them done in 6months and you need all the time you can get. Depending on where your going you probably won't need a car anyway, just wait and get one sometime in the future.

27th Dec 2005, 22:23
what about after the 1st few months of the ATPL groundschool is over? How will we end up supporting ourselves financially for the next 1yr?

27th Dec 2005, 22:56
Hi, I’m at Oxford on the APP course, I have a car, its a run down piece of junk but it runs, just, I was lucky that my parents didn't need it anymore so gave it to me, I’m glad I have it as I do not live on base, I live about 2 miles away, and being without a car would feel like hell. There is absolutely no way you can have a part time job, the course is way too intense. I do feel you can survive without a car as there are halls or residence on site, and the local bus service is excellent, but there is no way you could get a job. If that’s any help at all cjh.