View Full Version : The HnH Flyability Index

7th Dec 2005, 08:52
Ladies and Gentlemen
The world needs a "Bogginess Index" to assist farmstrip flying decisions.
I propose the following only as a Mark ! approximation for refinement by more able mathematicians.

The HnH Flyability Index
(only fly with a positive score)

HnHFI equals
D + { (3*W) - B} + (C+V) + { 10/S+M}


D = Desperation.The number of working days since I last got my hands on the aircraft
B = Bogginess. Metres of the strip that are too boggy to walk up in trainers
W = Washing. How many minutes am I prepared to spend washing the mud off afterwards with a cold hose
S = Serviceability. Number of things bent, missing or broken on the aircraft that don't look TOO dangerous to risk
M = Members. Number of members in the group, excluding ****s who haven't paid their subs this month
C = Cloudbase. In '000s feet according to the most favourable ATIS within 200 miles
V = Viz. In km if you squint a bit and say "it's improving" a few times
